

Resolution 05-25  - A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract, without bidding, for a four-year licensing and maintenance agreement with Proline Technology for the Citywide public safety camera system in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.                        


Passed: February 3rd, 2025

Resolution 04-25 - A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an Agreement and/or Agreements with the State Auditor’s Office to assist in preparation of the GAAP Conversion and Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for fiscal year ending December 31, 2024 and declaring an emergency.     


Passed: February 3rd, 2025

Resolution 03-25; A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for Request for Qualifications/Proposals and to enter into a contract and/or contracts for construction project administration and inspection of the WAY-Heartland Trail, Phase 3, in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: January 6th, 2025

Resolution 02-25; A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for WAY-Heartland Trail, Phase 3A (ODOT PID 115403) in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: January 6th, 2025

Resolution 01-25; A Resolution authorizing the Director of Safety and Service to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for Flo Properties, LLC, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: January 6th, 2025


Resolution 50-24, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: December 16th, 2024

Resolution 49-24, A Resolution designating public depositories and awarding public monies and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: December 16th, 2024

Resolution 48-24, A Resolution fixing the salaries and wages of full-time and part-time employees of the City of Orrville for the grades heretofore established, repealing all Legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: December 16th, 2024

Resolution 47-24, A Resolution fixing the salaries and wages of part-time employees, and full-time employees of the City of Orrville eligible for membership in the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (OPBA), repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: December 16th, 2024

Resolution 46-24, A Resolution to accept the recommendations of the Orrville Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville. 

Passed: December 16th, 2024

Resolution 43-24, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2025, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: December 16th, 2024

Resolution 42-24, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and declaring an emergency.   

Passed: December 16th, 2024

Ordinance L-24 , An Ordinance amending section 151.02(m) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding Police Department travel compensation, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 16th, 2024

Ordinance K-24, An Ordinance amending Section 151.04 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding vacations, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring and emergency. 

Passed: December 16th, 2024

Ordinance J-24, An Ordinance amending Section 151.06 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding uniform allowances, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: December 16th, 2024

Ordinance I-23, An Ordinance amending Section 151.05(a) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, relating to holidays, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: December 16th, 2024

Ordinance H-24, An Ordinance amending Section 151.05(b) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding holidays for Police Department personnel, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: December 16th, 2024

Resolution 45-24, A Resolution authorizing the Safety Service Director to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for Xeldam, LLC and Jarrett Companies, Inc. and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: December 2nd, 2024

Resolution 44-24, A Resolution extending the moratorium established by Resolution 45-23 on the issuance and processing of permits allowing retail dispensaries, cultivators, or processors of adult use marijuana/cannabis for an additional period until December 31, 2025; and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 2nd, 2024

Ordinance G-24, An Ordinance Amending Section §151.08 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, relating to the compensation of Elected Officials and certain Appointed Officers, and repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith.  

Passed: December 2nd, 2024

Resolution 41-24, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into agreements with various contractors, without bidding, to install sidewalks, curb ramps, and/or retaining walls for residents that qualify for financial aid under Phase IV of the Orrville Sidewalk Installation Policy and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: November 18th, 2024

Resolution 40-24, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts for a period not to exceed three (3) years, without bidding, for selected insurance needs of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: November 18th, 2024

Resolution 39-24, A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville, to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of Municipal personal property in the year 2025. 

Passed: November 18th, 2024

Resolution 38-24, A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville, Ohio, to sell by internet auction, or otherwise   dispose of, unclaimed or forfeited property held by the Police Department in the year 2025. 

Passed: November 18th, 2024

Resolution 37-24, A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into purchase order(s), without bidding, each for a one-year period, for various services and supplies by the City of Orrville, Ohio for year 2025. 

Passed: November 18th, 2024

Resolution 36-24, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to obtain quotes and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the East Hostetler Culvert Bridge Repair Project in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: November 4th, 2024

Resolution 35-24, A Resolution authorizing the Safety Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts with other political subdivisions to provide Fire and/or EMS services for 2025.

Passed: November 4th, 2024

Resolution 34-24, A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for a one-year period, for various services and supplies required by the Department of Public Utilities, Orrville, Ohio, for year 2025.  

Passed: November 4th, 2024

Resolution 33-24, A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to execute a contract or contracts, without bidding, for coal supply and ash disposal for a five (5) year period and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: November 4th, 2024

Resolution 32-24, A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a contract, without bidding, for the purchase of one forty-foot distribution bucket truck and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: November 4th, 2024

Ordinance F, An Ordinance amending City of Orrville, Ohio Codified Ordinance §521.13 Criminal Activity Nuisance and repealing any legislation inconsistent herewith.

Passed: November 4th, 2024

Resolution 31-24, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the East Hostetler Concrete Replacement and Culvert Bridge Repair Project in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: October 7th, 2024

Resolution 30-24, A Resolution to enter into a contract with American Municipal Power, Inc., to purchase 6 MW of energy for the years 2027, 2028, and 2029 from the Blue Creek Wind Energy Project and taking other actions in connection therewith. 

Passed: October 7th, 2024

Resolution 29-24, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements to purchase a new Vacall All Jet Vac P Series Truck through Southeastern Equipment Company Inc. and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: October 7th, 2024

Ordinance E-24,  An Ordinance amending Chapter 1112, Section 1112.07 of the Zoning Code of the City of Orrville, Ohio, relating to Parking and Access for Retail Stores and Services. 


Passed: October 7th, 2024

Resolution 28-24, A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract for pavement markings for the WAY VAR PM project with A & A Safety, Inc., in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.


Passed: September 16th, 2024

Resolution 27-24, A Resolution authorizing and empowering the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with The Will-Burt Company to purchase a portion of PPN #58-00751.000 and 58-00752.000 located in Baughman Twp., Ohio, as well as obtain a temporary easement for the WAY­ Heartland Trail Phase 3A project (PID 115403) and declaring an emergency.


Passed: September 16th, 2024

Resolution 26-24, A Resolution authorizing and empowering the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement and/or agreements to purchase a portion of PPN #04-00589.001 located on Back Massillon Road, Orrville, Ohio, as well as obtain a temporary easement for the WAY­ Heartland Trail Phase 3A project (PID 115403) and declaring an emergency.


Passed: September 16th, 2024

Resolution 25-24, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for construction administration and inspection of the WAY VAR PM project with Omnipro Services LLC, in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.


Passed: September 16th, 2024

Resolution 24-24, A Resolution authorizing the Safety – Service Director to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for grant or loan funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds, and declaring an emergency.


Passed: September 16th, 2024

Resolution 23-24, A Resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor. 1st reading 9/3

Passed: September 3rd, 2024

Resolution 22-24, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements, through a Federal or State Purchasing Cooperative contract, to design and build two (2) pickleball courts, and declaring an emergency.  First reading 9/3

Passed: September 3rd, 2024

Ordinance D-24, An Ordinance vacating an alley which runs east and west parallel to High and Howard Street, between Wayne County Parcels Number 59-02376.000, 59-02374.000, 59-02373.000, 59-02375.000, 59-0380.000, 59-0381.000, and 59-0382.000 in the City of Orrville, Ohio. 1st reading 9/3

Passed: September 3rd, 2024

Resolution 21-24, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and declaring an emergency. 1st reading on August 19

Passed: August 19th, 2024

Resolution 20-24, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the Ohio Public Works Commission for grant funding and a contractor, without bidding, to undertake an emergency repair on the Norfolk Southern Rail Stormwater Culvert and declaring an emergency.  1st reading on 8/19

Passed: August 19th, 2024

Resolution 18-24, A Resolution approving the Budget for the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the calendar year 2025, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: July 15th, 2024

Resolution 19-24, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, with Zimmerman Steel & Supply to purchase replacement leaf boxes for the Service Department trucks and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: July 15th, 2024



Passed: June 17th, 2024

Ordinance C-24 An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map created by Chapter 1101 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to reclassify a parcel of land located on the north side of Hostetler Road (PP# 59-02315.000), consisting of a frontage of 212 feet and a depth of 181 feet in the City of Orrville, Ohio from R-4 (Residential) to I-1 (Industrial).


Passed: June 17th, 2024

Resolution 17-24, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement(s) and to execute all such other documents as may be necessary for the purchase of property located in Baughman Township, Wayne County, Orrville, Ohio, and known as part of Permanent Parcel Numbers 04-00653.001, 58-003326.001 and 04-00653.002 consisting of approximately 20.1 acres, and 27.3 acres, for a total of 47.40 acres and to authorize Steven Wheeler, or his designee, on behalf of the City of Orrville, to place bids for the purchase of said property at public auction, and to appropriate funds for such purchase, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: June 15th, 2024

Resolution 16-24, A Resolution authorizing declarations of official intent under U.S. Treasury Regulations with respect to reimbursements from note and bond proceeds of temporary advances made for payments prior to issuance, and related matters, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: June 15th, 2024

Resolution 15-24, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and declaring an emergency.                               

Passed: June 15th, 2024

Resolution 13-24, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the OPWC 2024 Asphalt Street Resurfacing Project in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.


Passed: May 20th, 2024

Resolution 12-24, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements without bidding with Proline Technology, Inc. to purchase additional cameras, associated equipment, cabling, data storage, and installation and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 6th, 2024

Resolution 11-24, A Resolution authorizing participation in the ODOT Road Salt Contracts awarded in 2024 for road salt for the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 6th, 2024

Ordinance B-24, An Ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain Ordinances as parts of the various component codes of the Codified Ordinances of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: April 15th, 2024

Ordinance A-24, An Ordinance  amending Chapter 1104, Use Table, of the Zoning Code of the City of Orrville, Ohio.   


Passed: April 15th, 2024

Resolution 10-24, A Resolution authorizing the Safety Service Director to enter into an agreement or agreements to sell parcels of land, containing approximately 4.862 acres, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: April 1st, 2024

Resolution 9-24, A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for cleaning of the primary and secondary digesters at the wastewater plant and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 18th, 2024

Resolution 5-24, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: March 18th, 2024

Resolution 8-24, A Resolution of Council Support for Federal Funding To Renovate Fire Station II.

Passed: March 4th, 2024

Resolution 7-24, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the 2024 Concrete Street Project in the City Of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 4th, 2024

Resolution 6-24, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with a State Purchasing Cooperative to purchase one (1) 2023 or 2024 Chevy Tahoe Police Special 4WD vehicle; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04 and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 4th, 2024

Resolution 3-24, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the North Depot Parking Lot Paving Project in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: February 19th, 2024

Resolution 2-24, A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville, Ohio to enter into an extension of an agreement with the Orrville Area Boys and Girls Club (“OABGC”) for a grant to assist with salary, training, and associated miscellaneous expenses for a teen coordinator/director position at OABGC and declaring an emergency.


Passed: February 19th, 2024

Resolution 4-24, A Resolution to establish the classifications of Fire Technician I – P/T, Fire Technician II – P/T, Fire Technician III – P/T, Fire Technician IV – P/T, Fire Lieutenant – P/T, Fire Captain – P/T, and Assistant Fire Chief – P/T unclassified service of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith.

Passed: February 19th, 2024

Resolution 1-24, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement with BOCA Construction for diamond grinding services on Crown Hill Road and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 5th, 2024

FAILED Ordinance L-23, An Ordinance repealing and replacing Section 505.19 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding housing of certain animals.

Motion failed 01/02/2024


Passed: January 2nd, 2024


Resolution 41-23 A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and declaring an emergency. 


Passed: December 18th, 2023

Resolution 47-23, A Resolution of the Council of the City of Orrville, Ohio expressing its appreciation and thanks to David T. Handwerk, Mayor of the City of Orrville, Ohio upon his retirement.

Passed: December 18th, 2023

Resolution 46-23, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 18th, 2023

Resolution 45-23, A Resolution imposing an immediate moratorium on the issuance and processing of permits allowing retail dispensaries, cultivators, or processors of adult use marijuana within the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 18th, 2023

Resolution 44-23, A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of Municipal personal property in the year 2024.

Passed: December 4th, 2023

Resolution 43-23, A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville, Ohio, to sell by internet auction, or otherwise   dispose of, unclaimed or forfeited property held by the Police Department in the year 2024.

Passed: December 4th, 2023

Resolution 42-23 - withdrawn


Passed: December 4th, 2023

Resolution 40-23, A Resolution to accept and affirm the recommendations of the Orrville Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville.


Passed: November 20th, 2023

Resolution 39-23, A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for a one-year period, for various services and supplies required by The Department of Public Utilities, Orrville, Ohio, for year 2024.


Passed: November 20th, 2023

Resolution 38-23, A Resolution of the City of Orrville, Ohio, adopting the 2023 Wayne County Hazard Mitigation Plan.



Passed: November 20th, 2023

Resolution 37-23, A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into purchase order(s), without bidding, each for a one-year period, for various services and supplies by the City of Orrville, Ohio for year 2024.


Passed: November 20th, 2023

Ordinance K-23, An Ordinance to Amend The City of Orrville, Ohio Income Tax Code to Adopt changes to Ohio municipal income tax set forth in HB 33, and declaring an Emergency.  


Passed: November 20th, 2023

Resolution 36-23, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: October 16th, 2023

Resolution 35-23, A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for a one-year period, for various services and supplies required by the Department of Public Utilities, Orrville, Ohio, for year 2024.  

Passed: October 16th, 2023

Ordinance H-23, amount of City of Orrville, Ohio Health Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2023 (OrrVilla, Inc. Project), for the purpose of refunding certain health facilities Revenue Bonds previously  issued to assist OrrVilla, Inc. in financing a portion of the costs of constructing and acquiring certain hospital facilities within the City and paying for certain additional capital expenditures, and paying for the costs associated with the issuance of the Series 2023 Bonds, authorizing the execution and delivery of a base lease and lease and assignment to the original purchaser of the bonds and any other documents or instruments in connection with the issuance of those bonds, authorizing and approving related matters, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: October 16th, 2023

Resolution 34-23, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: October 2nd, 2023

Resolution 29-23, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with Atlantic Emergency Solutions, Inc., to purchase through Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Program a Pierce 100 Foot Tower Ladder Truck with Enforcer Cab and Aluminum Body and declaring an emergency.


Passed: October 2nd, 2023

Ordinance J-23, An Ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of bonds in the maximum principal amount of $2,000,000 to pay costs of acquiring a fire truck, together with the necessary appurtenances thereto, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: October 2nd, 2023

Ordinance I-23, An Ordinance amending Section 151.07(a) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, Life, Health and Dental Insurance, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: October 2nd, 2023

Resolution 33-23, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: September 18th, 2023

Resolution 32-23, A Resolution establishing rates of pay for the Members of the Fire Department of the City of Orrville, on-call pay, and call-in; repealing conflicting Ordinances; and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: September 18th, 2023

Resolution 31-23, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for professional landscape architectural services for Depot Park in the City of Orrville.   

Passed: September 18th, 2023

Resolution 30-23, A Resolution authorizing the Safety – Service Director to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for grant or loan funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: September 18th, 2023

Resolution 28-23, A Resolution authorizing the Finance Director of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a contract extension agreement with the Independent Public Accounting (IPA) firm of Zupka & Associates for the provision of financial audit services for the period January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2025.


Passed: September 5th, 2023

Resolution 27-23, A Resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor.


Passed: September 5th, 2023

Ordinance G-23, An Ordinance opting out of H.B. 172 and reaffirming the ban on discharging, igniting, or exploding consumer grade 1.4G fireworks in the City of Orrville, except as set forth herein, and repealing and replacing Ordinance C-22.


Passed: September 5th, 2023

Resolution 24-23, A Resolution authorizing the Director of Finance of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into an agreement with the Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA) to participate in the 2023-2024 Non-Filing Delinquency Program and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: July 17th, 2023

Resolution 21-23,  A Resolution approving the Budget for the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the calendar year 2024, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: July 17th, 2023

Resolution 26-23, A Resolution authorizing the Finance Director to enter into any agreements with the State of Ohio (the “State”), through the Ohio Office of Budget and Management (“OBM”), necessary to participate in the Ambulance Transportation Program and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: July 3rd, 2023

Resolution 25-23, A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a contract, without bidding, for the purchase of one Sixty foot distribution bucket truck and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: July 3rd, 2023

Ordinance F-23, An Ordinance repealing and replacing Sections 144.01, 144.02, 144.03 and 144.04 of Chapter 144 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, relating to fees and use of revenues for fire, rescue and emergency rescue and ambulance transport services and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: July 3rd, 2023

Ordinance E-23, An Ordinance repealing and replacing Section 505.19 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Ohio, Ohio, regarding housing of certain animals.

1st reading 5/15/2023                  Public Hearing and second reading 6/5/2023, decided to let this die and create new legislation as too many changes were discussed.                

Passed: June 19th, 2023

Resolution 23-23, A Resolution authorizing the Safety – Service Director to enter into any agreements with the Ohio Department of Transportation necessary for the Orrville Pavement Marking project (PID 11651) and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: June 19th, 2023

Resolution 22-23, A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Partnership Agreement with the City of Wooster and Wayne County for making an application to the Ohio Department of Development for a Small Cities Community Development Block Grant for Community Housing Impact and Preservation (CHIP) Funds and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: June 19th, 2023

Ordinance D-23, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map created by Chapter 1101 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to reclassify a parcel of land located at 1731 Andover Road (PP# 59-02970.000), a 2.2760-acre lot in the City of Orrville, Ohio from R-4 (Residential) to R-1 (Residential).


Passed: May 17th, 2023

Ordinance C-23, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map created by Chapter 1101 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to reclassify a parcel of land located on the west side of South Crown Hill Road (PP# 59-00325.000), consisting of a frontage of 120 feet and a depth of 200 feet in the City of Orrville, Ohio from C-1 (Commercial) to R-1 (Residential). 


Passed: May 17th, 2023

Resolution 20-23, A Resolution of Orrville City Council authorizing the Mayor of the City of Orrville, Ohio to enter into a Lease Agreement with Scott H. Schaffter and Jennifer L. Schaffter for the lease of an exterior wall space and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: May 1st, 2023

Resolution 19-23 , A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with a State Purchasing Cooperative to purchase one (1) 2023 or 2024 Ford Police Interceptor Utility V6 AWD Vehicle; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through a  State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to procure quotes and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: May 1st, 2023

Resolution 18-23, A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for MGAN, LLC and Bekaert Corporation and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: May 1st, 2023

Resolution 17-23, authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for Jarrett Companies, Inc. and Xeldam LLC and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: May 1st, 2023

Resolution 15-23, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the 2023 Asphalt Street Resurfacing Project in the City Of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: April 17th, 2023

TABLED Resolution 13-23, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, with JM Outdoor, LLC for the installation of public art in the downtown and declaring an emergency.

1st reading 4/3/2023,   TABLED 4/17/2023

Passed: April 17th, 2023

Resolution 16-23, A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities and/or Public Utilities Board of Control  to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for the purchase of three (3) influent pumps, motor control centers and related components and services for the wastewater treatment facility and declaring an emergency.  


Passed: April 17th, 2023

Resolution 14-23, A Resolution authorizing the Safety Service Director to enter into an agreement with Orrville City Schools to provide an additional School Resource Officer (SRO) and declaring an emergency.


Passed: April 3rd, 2023

Resolution 12-23, A Resolution authorizing participation in the ODOT Road Salt Contracts awarded in 2023 for road salt for the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.


Passed: April 3rd, 2023

Resolution 11-23, A Resolution urging the legislative branches of the federal government as well as the State of Ohio, to enact legislation to further protect the citizens of the City of Orrville, Ohio from the inherent dangers of a train derailment on the tracks located  at or near our City and declaring an emergency.                               

Passed: March 20th, 2023

Resolution 10-23, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, and declaring an emergency. 


Passed: March 20th, 2023

Ordinance B-23, An Ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain Ordinances as parts of the various component codes of the Codified Ordinances of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.   

Passed: March 20th, 2023

Resolution 9-23, A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities and/or the Public Utilities Board of Control to execute a commitment letter relating to American Municipal Power, Inc.’s grant application for the Smart Grid: Using Edge Computing to Build Grid Resiliency Project, and declaring an emergency.    

Passed: March 6th, 2023

Resolution 8-23, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract with Atlantic Emergency Solutions without bidding for the purchase of a Pierce PUC Heavy Duty Rescue Pumper and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 6th, 2023

Resolution 7-23, A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities and/or the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, to replace the roofing structures for Boilers 10 and 11 and Boilers 12 and 13 and declaring an emergency.


Passed: February 20th, 2023

Resolution 6-23, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the Skate Park Concrete Pad Project in the City Of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.  


Passed: February 20th, 2023

Resolution 5-23, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2023 or newer Ford Escape S AWD for the Staff Engineer of the City of Orrville, Ohio; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the state contract, as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04, and declaring an emergency. 


Passed: February 20th, 2023

Resolution 4-23, A Resolution of Orrville City Council acknowledging and commending the life-saving efforts of certain individuals at Tillison Fitness Warehouse, Orrville Fire Department and Orrville Police Department.


Passed: February 20th, 2023

Resolution 3-23, A Resolution of Orrville City Council acknowledging and commending the life-saving efforts of certain individuals at Orrville branch of Wayne County YMCA, Orrville Fire Department and Orrville Police Department.


Passed: February 20th, 2023

TABLED    Ordinance A-23,  An Ordinance requiring a permit issued by the City of Orrville, Ohio for temporary placement of a roll-off dumpster (“Dumpster”) and/or temporary portable on demand storage unit (“PODS”) within any single-family zoning district within the City of Orrville, Ohio. 

Second reading Feb 6, 2023 and Tabled 2/6/2023.

Passed: February 6th, 2023

Resolution 2-23, A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for a one-year period, for additional annual purchases for various services and supplies required by The Department of Public Utilities, Orrville, Ohio, for year 2023, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 17th, 2023

Resolution 54-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an Agreement and/or Agreements with the State Auditor’s Office to assist in preparation of the GAAP Conversion and Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for fiscal year ending December 31, 2022 and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: January 3rd, 2023

Resolution 1-23, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with American Ramp Company (ARC) to purchase through Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Skate Park Equipment and Installation and declaring an emergency.   


Passed: January 3rd, 2023

Ordinance F-22, An Ordinance amending Codified Ordinance 144.04 Use of Revenue to allow for personnel expenses and change the Use of Revenue split for Emergency Medical Services Fund and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: January 3rd, 2023


TABLED      Ordinance E-22, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map created by Chapter 1101 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to reclassify a parcel of land located on the west side of South Crown Hill Road (PP# 59-00325.000), consisting of a frontage of 120 feet and a depth of 200 feet in the City of Orrville, Ohio, from C-1 (Commercial) to R-4 (Residential). TABLED  on 12/19/2022

Passed: December 20th, 2022

Resolution 43-22, A Resolution accepting and adopting the Orrville Parks and Recreation Master Plan now on file with the Safety-Service Director. 

Passed: December 19th, 2022

Resolution 45-22, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: December 19th, 2022

Resolution 53-22, A Resolution approving the assumption of an interest of the City of Hamilton, Ohio, in the Fremont Power Sales Contract and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: December 5th, 2022

Resolution 52-22, A Resolution authorizing Safety Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts with other political subdivisions to provide Fire and/or EMS services for 2023-2024.

Passed: December 5th, 2022

Resolution 51-22, A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of Municipal personal property in the year 2023. 

Passed: December 5th, 2022

Resolution 50-22, A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville, Ohio, to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, unclaimed or forfeited property held by the Police Department in the year 2023.

Passed: December 5th, 2022

Resolution 46-22, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022, and declaring an emergency. 1st reading

Passed: December 5th, 2022

Resolution 49-22, A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a purchase order(s), without bidding, for the purchase of the following materials and services to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for calendar year 2023, as follows: purchase of gasoline and diesel fuel; purchase of medium curing asphalt, asphaltic concrete and asphaltic emulsions; concrete; liquid insecticide and briquettes for mosquito control; road salt; utilities including cell phone services; services, supplies and machinery needed to chip and seal roadways, alleys and/or city-owned parking lots and driveways; services, supplies and machinery for street traffic painting and crack sealing services; engineering and architectural services; Police Professional Liability Insurance; and Public Officials Liability Insurance (with Riders for Employment Practices Liability, Extended Employment Practices Liability). 1st reading  

Passed: November 21st, 2022

Resolution 48-22, A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities and/or the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, to replace the common stack for Boilers 10 and 11 and declaring an emergency. 1st reading 11/21/2022

Passed: November 21st, 2022

Resolution 47-22, A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for a one-year period, for various services and supplies required by The Department of Public Utilities, Orrville, Ohio, for year 2023. 1st reading 11/21/2022

Passed: November 21st, 2022

Resolution 44-22, A Resolution to accept and affirm the recommendations of the Orrville Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville. 1st reading 11/21/2022

Passed: November 21st, 2022

Resolution 42-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services to purchase one (1) 2022 or 2023 Ford Police Interceptor Utility V6 AWD Vehicle; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to procure quotes and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase, and declaring an emergency. 


Passed: October 17th, 2022

Resolution 41-22, A Resolution approving the Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Joint Solid Waste Management District’s 2023 Solid Waste Management Plan Update and declaring an emergency.


Passed: October 17th, 2022

Resolution 40-22, A Resolution authorizing the Safety – Service Director to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission Clean Ohio Green Space Conservation Program for grant funds and to negotiate for the purchase of property and/or to enter into any agreements as required to obtain said funds and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: October 3rd, 2022

Resolution 39-22, A Resolution enacted by the City of Orrville of Wayne County, Ohio, hereinafter referred to as the Local Public Agency (LPA) for ODOT Project Title – Municipal Bridge Inspection Program and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 19th, 2022

Resolution 38-22 A Resolution authorizing the Safety – Service Director to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for grant or loan funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds and declaring an emergency.   

Passed: September 19th, 2022

Resolution 37-22, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: September 6th, 2022

Resolution 36-22, A Resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor. 

Passed: September 6th, 2022

Resolution 35-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to procure quotes from various companies and then enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, to remove asbestos and demolish the two-story structure located at 142 Depot Street, Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: September 6th, 2022

Resolution 34-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the asphalt resurfacing of the parking lots at Fire Station #1 in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.  2nd reading July 25

Passed: July 25th, 2022

Resolution 33-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts either without bidding through the Office of Procurement Services, Department of Administrative Services, State of Ohio, or to procure quotes from various vendors or, with bidding, to replace the roof on Fire Station #1, in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.  2nd reading July 25

Passed: July 25th, 2022

Resolution 32-22, A Resolution authorizing the execution of the 2022 Solar Energy Schedule with American Municipal Power, Inc., and taking of other actions in connection therewith regarding solar generated energy purchases and declaring an emergency.  2nd  reading on July 25

Passed: July 25th, 2022

Resolution 31-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to procure quotes from various vendors and then enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, to purchase fence material and to install fencing for various areas in Orr Park of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.  2nd reading on July 25

Passed: July 25th, 2022

Resolution 28-22, A Resolution approving the budget for the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the calendar year 2023, and declaring an emergency.

This will go to second reading at the July 5th meeting.

Passed: July 18th, 2022

Resolution 30-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with Daniel A. Terreri & Sons, Inc., without bidding, for the installation of additional concrete at the splash pad at Orr Park and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 20th, 2022

Resolution 29-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to procure quotes from various vendors and then enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, to add facades and pillars to the bridges of Orr Park of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 20th, 2022

Resolution 27-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for Request for Proposals and enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for professional planning services for a new skate park for the City of Orrville.

Passed: June 6th, 2022

Resolution 26-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to procure quotes from various vendors and then enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, to expand the parking lot in Orr Park of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 6th, 2022

Resolution 25-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to procure quotes from various vendors and then enter into an agreement and/or agreements without bidding, to pave Section 14 driveway of Crown Hill Cemetery of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: June 6th, 2022

Resolution 24-22,  A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts for a period not to exceed three (3) years, without bidding, for selected insurance needs of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 16th, 2022

Resolution 23-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2022 or newer Ford F-550 Truck for the Cemetery Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the state contract, as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: May 16th, 2022

Resolution 22-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2022 or newer Ford F-550 Truck for the Service Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the state contract, as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04, and declaring an emergency.     

Passed: May 16th, 2022

Resolution 19-22, A Resolution establishing policies for Phase IV of the Orrville Sidewalk Installation Program for the City of Orrville, Ohio. 

Passed: May 16th, 2022

Resolution 18-22, A Resolution declaring the necessity of constructing sidewalks on certain properties in the City of Orrville, Ohio. 

Passed: May 16th, 2022

Ordinance C-22, An Ordinance opting out of H.B. 172 and reaffirming the ban on discharging, igniting, or exploding consumer grade 1.4G fireworks in the City of Orrville, except as set forth herein.  

Passed: May 16th, 2022

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with Century Equipment to purchase through Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing one (1) Toro Mud Buggy and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: May 2nd, 2022

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services to purchase one (1) 2022 or 2023 Ford Police Interceptor Utility V6 AWD Vehicle; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04 and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 2nd, 2022

Resolution 17-22, A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities and/or the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for the purchase of major hardware, software, and agreements of maintenance support and/or consultation required by the City of Orrville and the Department of Public Utilities, to comply with current software requirements and cyber security insurance regulations and declaring an emergency.   

Passed: April 18th, 2022

Ordinance D-22, An Ordinance establishing wages for part-time and seasonal employees of the City of Orrville and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: April 18th, 2022

Resolution 15-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract with B&C Communications, without bidding, for the purchase of tornado siren software, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 4th, 2022

Resolution 16-22, A Resolution authorizing the Director of Finance of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a Debt Collection Agreement with the Ohio Attorney General Collections Enforcement Office, for the purpose of collecting outstanding fees for ambulance services and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 4th, 2022

Resolution 14-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to procure quotes from various vendors and then enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, to purchase benches, trash cans, picnic tables and two swing sets for Orr Park in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 21st, 2022

Resolution 13-22. A Resolution authorizing participation in the ODOT Road Salt Contracts awarded in 2022 for road salt for the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 21st, 2022

Resolution 12-22, A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities and/or the Public Utilities Board of Control to bid and enter into a contract for the interior and exterior coating and painting and rebuilding of the valve vault on the central water tower and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 21st, 2022

Resolution 11-22, A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to amend the Enterprise Zone Agreement between the City of Orrville, Ohio and Venture Products, Inc., dated September 10, 2015, and an amendment dated July 20, 2020.

Passed: March 21st, 2022

Resolution 10-22, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022, and declaring an emergency. 

1st reading 3/7/2022.  Special meeting with 2nd reading 3/14/2022 followed by a budget workshop.  3rd Reading 3/21/2022

Passed: March 21st, 2022

Resolution 9-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the 2022 Concrete Street Project in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 7th, 2022

Resolution 8-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the 2022 Asphalt Street Resurfacing Project in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: March 7th, 2022

Resolution 7-22, A Resolution authorizing the Director of Safety and Service to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for Jarrett Companies and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 21st, 2022

Resolution 6-22, A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for a one-year period, for additional annual purchases for various services and supplies required by The Department of Public Utilities, Orrville, Ohio, for year 2022.

Passed: February 21st, 2022

Ordinance B-22, An Ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain Ordinances as parts of the various component codes of the Codified Ordinances of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 21st, 2022

Resolution 5-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with Vortex through National Purchasing Powers-Government for the construction of a splash pad at Orr Park and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: February 7th, 2022

Resolution 4-22, A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to amend the Enterprise Zone Agreement between the City of Orrville, Ohio and Venture Products, Inc., dated June 9, 2017 and an amendment dated July 20, 2020. 

Passed: February 7th, 2022

Resolution 2-22, A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services, without bidding, for the 2022 Asphalt Street Resurfacing Project and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 18th, 2022

Resolution 3-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement with Wisconsin Lighting Lab Company, without bidding, for an Orr Park Ballfield Lighting Project, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 18th, 2022

Resolution 1-22, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an Agreement and/or Agreements with the State of Ohio Auditor’s Office to assist in preparation of the GAAP Conversion and Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for fiscal year ending December 31, 2021 and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: January 4th, 2022

Ordinance A-22, An Ordinance authorizing the transfer of property known as Parcel No. 59-00158.002 in the City of Orrville, Ohio, to Flo Properties, LLC.

Passed: January 4th, 2022


Resolution 52-21, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Resolution 51-21, A Resolution authorizing Safety Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts with other political subdivisions to provide Fire and/or EMS services for the calendar year 2022.  

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Resolution 50-21, A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, Municipal personal property in the year 2022.  

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Resolution 49-21, A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville, Ohio, to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, unclaimed or forfeited property held by the Police Department in the year 2022.  

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Resolution 45-21, A Resolution establishing the salaries and wages of full-time employees of the City of Orrville for the grades heretofore established, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Resolution 44-21, A Resolution establishing the salaries and wages of full-time employees of the City of Orrville eligible for membership in the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (OPBA), repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Resolution 42-21, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022, and declaring an emergency.      

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Ordinance P-21, An Ordinance authorizing the expenditures of certain funds to pay a Covid-19 Hazardous Workplace Compensation to members of the City of Orrville Fire Department, and declaring an emergency.  1st reading 12/20/2021

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Ordinance O-21, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map created by Chapter 1101 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to reclassify parcels of land located on the north side of 902 Vine Street, Orrville, Ohio (PP# 59-00157.000) consisting of a frontage of 75 feet and a depth of 150 feet in the City of Orrville, Ohio, from R-4 (Residential) to C-3 (Commercial). 

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Ordinance N-21, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map created by Chapter 1101 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to reclassify parcels of land located on the north side of 842 Vine Street, Orrville, Ohio (PP# 59-00158.000) consisting of a frontage of 85 feet and a depth of 158 feet in the City of Orrville, Ohio, from R-4 (Residential) to C-3 (Commercial).  

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Ordinance M-21, An Ordinance vacating, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 723.04, a portion of Union Street, in the City of Orrville, Ohio, between Main Street and Vine Street, between Parcels No. 59-00158.000 and 59-00159.001 to the south and Parcel No. 59-00157.000 and 59-00731.000 to the north and retaining a permanent easement pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 723.041.  

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Ordinance L-21, An Ordinance amending Section 151.03(d)(6)(B) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, relating to employee leave, and declaring an emergency.   

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Ordinance K-21, An Ordinance amending Section 151.02(g), of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding compensatory time, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Ordinance J-21, An Ordinance authorizing the expenditures of certain funds to implement the contract between the City of Orrville and the United City Workers (UCW) and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Ordinance I-21, An Ordinance authorizing the expenditures of certain funds to implement the contract between the City of Orrville and the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Ordinance H-21, An Ordinance amending Section 151.04(b) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding vacations, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Ordinance G-21, An Ordinance amending Section 151.06 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding uniform allowances, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Ordinance F-21, An Ordinance vacating, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 723.04, a portion of Lake Street, in the City of Orrville, Ohio, south of Pine Street, between Parcels No. 58-00114.000, 58-00113.000, 58-00116.000 to the west and 58-00699.000, 58-00657.000 and 58-00656.000 to the east and retaining a permanent easement pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 723.041.    

Passed: December 20th, 2021

Resolution 48-21, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 6th, 2021

Resolution 47-21, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the construction of a new restroom in Orr Park and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: December 6th, 2021

Resolution 46-21, A Resolution to accept the recommendations of the Orrville Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville.  

Passed: December 6th, 2021

Resolution 43-21, A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for a one-year period, for various services and supplies required by The Department of Public Utilities, Orrville, Ohio, for year 2022.

Passed: December 6th, 2021

Resolution 41-21, A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a purchase order(s), without bidding, for the purchase of the following materials and services to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for calendar year 2022, as follows: purchase of gasoline and diesel fuel; purchase of medium curing asphalt, asphaltic concrete and asphaltic emulsions; concrete; liquid insecticide and briquettes for mosquito control; road salt; services, supplies and machinery needed to chip and seal roadways, alleys and/or city-owned parking lots and driveways; services, supplies and machinery for street traffic painting and crack sealing services; general miscellaneous engineering and architectural services; Police Professional Liability Insurance; and Public Officials Liability Insurance (with Riders for Employment Practices Liability, Extended Employment Practices Liability).    

Passed: November 15th, 2021

Ordinance E-21, An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor, President of Council, and Director of Finance to enter into an Agreement with the Regional Council of Governments for the administration of the Income Tax Laws and collection of taxes for the City of Orrville, Ohio through the Regional Income Tax Agency and declaring an emergency.   

Passed: November 15th, 2021

Resolution 40-21, A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for engineering services for the Heartland Trail, Phase 3A Project, and declaring an emergency.   

Passed: October 18th, 2021

Resolution 39-21, A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for grant or loan funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: October 4th, 2021

Resolution 37-21, A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: September 20th, 2021

Resolution 38-21, A Resolution authorizing the Director of Safety and Service to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for McElroy Contract Packaging, Inc. and J. Mack Properties, LLC and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 20th, 2021

Resolution 36-21, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with Greystone Construction through Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing for the design/build of a salt bin and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: September 7th, 2021

Resolution 35-21, A Resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor. 

Passed: September 7th, 2021

Resolution 34-21, A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to execute a contract or contracts, without bidding, for coal supply and ash disposal for a three (3) year period and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: September 7th, 2021

Resolution 33-21, A Resolution authorizing the Utility Director to prepare and submit an application(s) to participate in the Ohio Department of Development Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Grant Program for grant funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 7th, 2021

Resolution 32-21, A Resolution authorizing the Utility Director to prepare and submit an application(s) to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for grant or loan funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: September 7th, 2021

Resolution 31-21, A Resolution  authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services to purchase recreational equipment for Orr Park; or alternatively to purchase said recreational equipment from another dealer or vendor upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: August 9th, 2021

Ordinance D-21, An Ordinance to  accept the material terms of the OneOhio Subdivision Settlement pursuant to the One Memorandum of Understanding and consistent with the terms of the July 21, 2021 National Opioid Settlement Agreement and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: August 9th, 2021

Resolution 30-21, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements through a Federal or State Purchasing Cooperative contract to purchase a mobile camera system, cameras, associated equipment, cabling, data storage, and installation; or alternatively to contract with another company upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be contracted through the Federal or State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04.

Passed: August 2nd, 2021

Resolution 29-21, A Resolution authorizing the receipt of property from the Orrville Historical Society; and declaring an emergency.

Passed: August 2nd, 2021

Resolution 28-21, A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville, Ohio Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement with the Orrville Area Boys and Girls Club (“OABGC”) for a grant to assist with salary and training a teen coordinator/director position at OABGC and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: August 2nd, 2021

Resolution 27-21, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements to purchase through the State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program one (1) Vermeer track mini skid steer or alternatively to purchase an equivalent piece of equipment from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section §125.04 and declaring an emergency.

Passed: August 2nd, 2021

Resolution 26-21, A Resolution approving the budget for the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the calendar year 2022, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: July 13th, 2021

Ordinance C-21. An Ordinance submitting to the electors of the City of Orrville, Ohio amendments to the Charter of the City of Orrville, Ohio as provided in Section 8.03 “Charter Review”, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: July 6th, 2021

Resolution 25-21, A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services to purchase one (1) 2021 or 2022 GMC Sierra 2500 or alternatively to purchase said vehicle or a Ford F-250 from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: June 21st, 2021

Resolution 24-21, A Resolution authorizing the Safety – Service Director to enter into an agreement with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for grant funds for the Orr Pool Bathhouse Renovations and authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts and/or to procure quotes and enter into a contract and/or contracts without bidding for the project, and declaring an emergency.   

Passed: June 7th, 2021

Resolution 23-21, A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Partnership Agreement with the City of Wooster and Wayne County for applying to the Ohio Department Services Agency for a Small Cities Community Development Block Grant for Community Housing Impact and Preservation (CHIP) Funds and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 7th, 2021

Resolution 22-21,   A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, to modify the water mains on West High Street, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 7th, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Safety – Service Director to file an application and enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to become eligible for financial assistance for public recreation purposes and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 17th, 2021

A Resolution to establish the classification of Human Resources Coordinator in the Classified Service of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith. 

Passed: May 17th, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with VariTech Industries, Inc. to purchase through Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing, one (1) brine system and accessories and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 3rd, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services to purchase one (1) 2020, 2021 or 2022 Ford Police Interceptor Utility V6 AWD Vehicle; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: May 3rd, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with Ohio CAT to purchase through Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing one (1) 2021 Caterpillar 926M Wheel Loader, which includes a hydraulic quick coupler, 3.0 CY bucket, lifting boom, and payload scales and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 19th, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the Ella Street and Orr Park Culvert Replacement Project in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: April 19th, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract with Vasco Sports Contractors through the National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance for the Orr Park Basketball Court Resurfacing project, and declaring an emergency.


Passed: April 5th, 2021

A Resolution authorizing participation in the ODOT Road Salt contracts awarded in 2021 for road salt for the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 5th, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the OPWC 2021 Asphalt Street Resurfacing project in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 5th, 2021

A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 15th, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract with Magic Garage Door Inc., without bidding, for the purchase and installation of new garage doors at Fire Station 1 and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 15th, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the 2021 Concrete Street Project in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 15th, 2021

Resolution 8-21, A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services, without bidding, for the Ella Street and Orr Park Culvert Replacement Project and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 1st, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the design of sidewalks for Phase IV of the Orrville Sidewalk Program, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 1st, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract with B&C Communications, without bidding, for the purchase and installation of a tornado siren system and declaring an emergency. 1

Passed: March 1st, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to purchase (4) Four Axon body cameras and pay associated body camera maintenance fees for the Orrville Police Department and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 15th, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to procure quotes for the reconstruction of Orr Park tennis courts and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 15th, 2021

An Ordinance appointing members of the Charter Review Commission and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 15th, 2021

An Ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain Ordinances as parts of the various component codes of the Codified Ordinances of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 15th, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract with PFund Superior Sales, without bidding, for the purchase of a 2021 or 2022 Life Line Ambulance, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 1st, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the 2021 OPWC Asphalt Street Resurfacing Project, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 1st, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the extension of emergency paid sick leave for employees of the City of Ohio, Ohio, affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 19th, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to submit an application to the Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) funded through Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for a portion of the Heartland Trail Project from Allen Avenue to Forrer Road (Phase 3A), and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 19th, 2021

An Ordinance authorizing the use of Utility Task Vehicles (UTV) on streets in the City of Orrville, Ohio, providing an inspection program therefore and repealing inconsistent legislation.

Passed: January 19th, 2021

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Finance of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a Discretionary Investment Management Agreement for professional management of various City and Utility Funds, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 4th, 2021


A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 21st, 2020

A resolution authorizing the Finance Director of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a contract with the Independent Public Accounting (IPA) firm of James G. Zupka, CPA, Inc., for the provision of financial audit services for the period of January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2022.

Passed: December 21st, 2020

An Ordinance establishing an Unclaimed Monies Fund for the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: December 21st, 2020

A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures to the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 20201, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 7th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for a one-year period, for various services and supplies required by the Department of Public Utilities, Orrville, Ohio, for year 2021.

Passed: December 7th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts with other political subdivisions to provide Fire and/or EMS services for the calendar year 2021.

Passed: December 7th, 2020

 A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a purchase order(s), without bidding, for the purchase of the following materials and services to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for calendar year 2021, as follows:  purchase of gasoline and diesel fuel; purchase of medium curing asphalt, asphaltic concrete and asphaltic emulsions; concrete; liquid insecticide for mosquito control, services, supplies and machinery needed to chip and seal roadways, alleys and/or city-owned parking lots and driveways; services, supplies and machinery for street traffic painting and crack sealing services; general miscellaneous engineering and architectural services; police professional liability insurance; and public officials liability insurance (with riders for employment practices liability, extended employment practices liability). 

Passed: December 7th, 2020

A Resolution strongly opposing Senate Bill 352 and House Bill 754, legislation proposing the repeal of Section 29 of 197, which will result in a myriad of unintended consequences through Ohio's entire municipal income tax system, causing a substantial loss of revenue that will impede the ability of municipalities to provide for health, safety and welfare of municipal residents and businesses, and thereby jeopardizing the future growth of the State of Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 16th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract with PFund Superior Sales, without bidding, for the purchase of a 2021 Life Line Ambulance, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 16th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, Municipal personal property in the year 2021.

Passed: November 16th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville, Ohio, to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, unclaimed or forfeited property held by the Police Department in the year 2021.

Passed: November 16th, 2020

A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 16th, 2020

A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 2nd, 2020

Resolution 37-20

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, for the purchase of four (4) radar/electronic message signs for the police department of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 2nd, 2020

Resolution 36-20

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to procure quotes from various vendors and then enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, to purchase downtown holiday decore for the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 2nd, 2020

Ordinance D-20

An Ordinance repealing Ord. B-20 and establishing a Fire Department Vehicle and Vehicle Related Equipment Replacement Fund pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 5705.13.

Passed: November 2nd, 2020

An Ordinance amending Section 931.07 of Chapter 931 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, relating to the rates for garbage and rubbish collection.

Passed: October 19th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2020 or 2021 Ford F-250 truck; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 5th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2020 or 2021 Ford COVID Police Interceptor Utility V6 AWD Vehicle; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 5th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts for professional planning services to create a Parks and Recreation plan for the City of Orrville

Passed: October 5th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for grant or loan funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 5th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, with American Municipal Power (AMP) for the purchase of three (3) 1.875 kW, used diesel generation units to be placed at the City's Wastewater Treatment Facility, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 21st, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2020 or 2021 Dodge Ram 1500 Tradesman; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions and specificiations, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 21st, 2020

A Resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor.

Passed: September 8th, 2020

A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 8th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts without bidding for the City Hall lobby remodel, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 8th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a contract with Kimble Recycling and Disposal Inc., competitively bid by the City of Wooster, Ohio, for refuse collection and disposal and curbside recycling services; and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 8th, 2020

A Resolution approving the budget for the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the calendar year 2021, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 20th, 2020

A Resolution repealing and replacing Resolution No. 23-20 in its entirety and replacing it with the following: A Resolution passed by the City of Orrville, Ohio, affirming that funds from the County Coronavirus Relief Distribution Fund will be expended only to cover costs of the City of Orrville, Ohio, consistent with the requirements of Section 5001 of the CARES Act as described in 42 USC 801, and any applicable regulations as is necessary pursuant to HB 481 before receiving said funds, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 6th, 2020

Ordinance B-20 An Ordinance establishing a Fire Department Vehicle and Vehicle Related Equipment Fund.

Passed: July 6th, 2020

A Resolution establishing a special revenue fund entitled COVID-19 Fund for the express purpose of depositing and expending Federal and State Aid to assist the City of Orrville, Ohio, in combating the COVID-19 Pandemic; and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 15th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to amend the Enterprise Zone Agreements between the City of Orrville, Ohio, and Venture Products. Inc.

Passed: June 15th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the receipt of property from Orrville City Schools, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 1st, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the sale of retired K-9 Officer Freddie to his handler for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 1st, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2019, 2020 or 2021 Ford Police Interceptor Utility V6 AWD Vehicle; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 1st, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids or in the alternative procure quotes for the asphalt overlay of parking lots, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 18th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts with the Wayne County Commissioners to provide supplemental funding for the Kirk Avenue Resurfacing project in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 18th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements through a Federal or State Purchasing Cooperative contract to design and build two (2) pickleball courts; or alternatively to contract with another company upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be contracted through the Federal or State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for the design and construction of two (2) pickleball courts, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 4th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts with the Wayne County Engineer to provide supplemental funding for the Burton City Road Resurfacing project (Orr Street) in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 4th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contractors for the OPWC 2020 Asphalt Street Resurfacing project in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 4th, 2020

Resolution 13-20

A Resolution authorizing participation in the ODOT Road Salt Contracts awarded in 2020 for road salt for the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 6th, 2020

Resolution 12-20

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement and/or agreements to purchase real estate located at 134 North Walnut Street, Orrville, Ohio (PPN 58-00226.000), and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 16th, 2020

Resolution 11-20

A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 16th, 2020

An Ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain Ordinances as parts of the various component codes of the Codified Ordinances of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 2nd, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a contract, without bidding, to purchase one (1) sixty-foot distribution bucket truck, rescinding Resolution 16-19 and Resolution 5-20, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 17th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a contract, without bidding, to purchase one (1) forty-one-foot distribution truck, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 17th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the 2020 OPWC Asphalt Street Resurfacing project, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 17th, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to bid and enter into a contract and/or contracts for purchase of materials, services, permitting, construction and installation of a new transmission line, substation(s) and related system improvements, including the potential sale of assets and the purchasing and/or leasing of property, rescinding Resolution 31-15, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 3rd, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for engineering design and development of bid specification to construct a new transmission lline, rescinding Resolution 30-15, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 3rd, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a contract, without bidding, for the purchase of one new sixty-foot distribution bucket truck, rescinding Resolution 42-19, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 3rd, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts with Gold Shield Canine Training Ltd. for the purchase of one (1) Police Service Dog for the Police Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 3rd, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State Auditor's Office to prepare the annual audit for fiscal year ending December 31, 2019, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 21st, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2020 Pierce Arrow XT Fire Engine for use by the Fire Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 21st, 2020

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to rescind Resolutions 1-19 and 2-19 and to enter into a contract and/or contracts to provide for a Job Creation Income Tax Credit for Morgan Truck Body LLC, and its subsidiaries, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 21st, 2020


A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 16th, 2019

An Ordinance vacating an alley which runs southwest to northeast parallel to the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad adjacent to Lot 3284 in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: December 16th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement(s) with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one breathing air compressor system for SCBAs, or alternatively to purchase said equipment from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to accept quotations and enter into an agreement(s) for said purchase, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 2nd, 2019

A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 2nd, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for Jerry Baker Properties, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 2nd, 2019

A Resolution to accept the recommendation of the Orrville Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: December 2nd, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for a one year period, for various services and supplies required by the Department of Public Utilities, Orrville, Ohio, for the year 2020.

Passed: December 2nd, 2019

An Ordinance amending Part Eleven, Planning and Zoning Code, of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: December 2nd, 2019

A Resolution of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a culvert easement with Orrville DG LLC, an Ohio limited liability company, for the purpose of maintenance and repair of an existing storm culvert, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 25th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts with other political subdivisions to provide Police, Fire and/or EMS services and to receive dispatching services from said political subdivisions for the calendar year 2020.

Passed: November 4th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, Municipal personal property in the year 2020.

Passed: November 4th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, unclaimed or forfeited property held by the Police Department in the year 2020.

Passed: November 4th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter it a purchase order(s), without bidding, for the purchase of the following materials and services to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for calendar year 2020, as follows:  purchase of gasoline and diesel fuel; purchase of medium curing asphalt, asphaltic concrete and asphalt emulsions; concrete; liquid insecticide for mosquito control, services, supplies and machinery needed to chip and seal roadways, alleys and/or city-owned parking lots and driveways; services, supplies and machinery for street traffic painting and crack sealing services; general miscellaneous engineering and architectural services; Police Professional Liability insurance; and Public Officials Liability insurance (with Riders for Employment Practices Liability, Extended Employment Practices Liability)

Passed: November 4th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a contract, without bidding, for the purchase of two lime feeder systems for the water utility.

Passed: October 21st, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a contract, without bidding, for the purchase of one 41'  distribution bucket truck, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 21st, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into an extension of a certain agreement with Kimble Recycling & Disposal, Inc., for trash and recycling pickup to the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: September 16th, 2019

A Resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessar tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor.

Passed: September 16th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for grant or loan funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 16th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement with the Ohio Director of Transportation for bridge inspection services, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 16th, 2019

An Ordinance implementing Sections 3735.65 through 3735.70 of the Ohio Revised Code, amending the boundaries of Community Reinvestment Area in the City of Orrville and designating a Housing Officer to administer the program and creating a Community Reinvestment Housing Council and a Tax Incentive Review Council.

Passed: September 16th, 2019

A Resolution to make apprpriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 15th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the Heartland Trail, Phase 3, in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 15th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to procure quotes from various vendors and then enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, to replace the floor of Fire Station #2 for the Fire Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 15th, 2019

A Resolution approving the budget for the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the calendar year 2020, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 15th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to rescind Resolution 21-19 and to enter into a contract and/or contracts without bidding with Garland Company, Inc., and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 1st, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for the repair of Turbine-Generator No. 9's Stop an dControl Valve System at the power plant, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 17th, 2019

A Resolution of the City of Orrville, Ohio, accepting a temporary construction easement and permanent sidewalk easement from Agree Limited Partnership, an Ohio corporation, for the purpose of constructing a trail in the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the benefit of Rails-to-Trails of Wayne County, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 3rd, 2019

A Resolution of the City of Orrville, Ohio, accepting a temporary construction easement and permanent sidewalk easement from Xeldam LLC, an Ohio limited liability company, for the purpose of constructing a trail in the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the benefit of Rails-to-Trails of Wayne County, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 3rd, 2019

A Resolution of the City of Orrville, Ohio, accepting a temporary construction easement and permanent sidewalk easement from The Quality Castings Company, an Ohio corporation, for the purpose of constructing a trail in the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the benefit of Rails-to-Trails of Wayne County, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 3rd, 2019

A Resolution of the City of Orrville, Ohio, accepting a temporary construction easement and permanent sidewalk easement from Elren Crown Building LLC, an Ohio limited liability company, for the purpose of constructing a trail in the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the benefit of Rails-to-Trails of Wayne County, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 3rd, 2019

A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 3rd, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the 2019 Asphalt Resurfacing Project in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 20th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) Zoll Manual Monitor/Defibrillator for the Fire Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio, with a trade-in, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 6th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2019 or newer Ford F-550 Truck for the Service Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State contract, as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04 with a trade-in, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 6th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2019 or newer Ford F-250 Pickup Truck for the Service Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State contract, as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04 with a trade-in, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 6th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the replacement of the Water Plant roof, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 6th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into an agreement with the Board of County Commissioners of Wayne County, Ohio, for prosecutorial services with the Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 6th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2018, 2019 or 2020 Ford Police Interceptor Utility V6 AWD Vehicle; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 15th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the resurfacing of West High Street in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 15th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Partnership Agreement with the City of Wooster and Wayne County for applying to the Ohio Department Services Agency for a Small Cities Community Development Block Grant for Community Housing Impact and Preservation (CHIP) Funds, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 15th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2019 sixty-foot distribution bucket truck; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, pricing and specifications of the City of Orrville, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 15th, 2019

An Ordinance to authorize the establishment of the City of Orrville, Ohio, "BLoomin Orrville Program" fund, or its successor program, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 15th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing participation in the ODOT Road Salt Contracts awarded in 2019 for road salt for the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 1st, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to procure quotes from various vendors and then enter into an agreement and/or agreements without bidding, to paint and/or repair the roof of the Orr Pool Bathhouse at Orr Park in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 1st, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the Orr Street Improvement Project, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 1st, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the 2019 Asphalt Streets Resurfacing Project, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 1st, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the 2019 Concrete Streets Project in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 1st, 2019

A Resolution rescinding the contract and/lor contracts to provide for a Job Creation Income Tax Credit for Big Heart Pet Brands and its Subsidiaries, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 1st, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an amended contract and/or contracts to provide for a Job Creation Income Tax Credit for The J. M. Smucker company and its subsidiaries, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 1st, 2019

A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 18th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an Agreement and/or Agreements with the State Auditor's Office to prepare the annual audit for fiscal year ending December 31, 2018, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 18th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts for a period not to exceed three (3) years, without bidding, for selected insurance needs of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 18th, 2019

An Ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain Ordinances as parts of the various Component Codes of the Codified Ordinances of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 18th, 2019

An Ordinance vacating an alley running north and south parallel to South Main Street, between the northeast part of Lot 203 and Lot 3688, in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: February 18th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for construction administration and inspection of the WAY-E Pine Street project, in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 4th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for WAY-East Pine Street Project (ODOT PID 95089) in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 22nd, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the 2019 OPWC High Street Resurfacing Project, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 22nd, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract to provide for a Job Creation Income Tax Credit for Morgan Truck Body, LLC, and its subsidiaries, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 7th, 2019

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for Morgan Truck Body LLC, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 7th, 2019


A Resolution authorizing and empowering the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement and/or agreements to purchase a portion of Lot 3290 located on North Main Street, Orrville,Ohio, as well as obtain a temporary easement for the WAY-East Pine Street project (PID 95089), and declaring an emergency.


Passed: December 17th, 2018

A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2018, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 17th, 2018

A Resolution to establish the classification of Staff Engineer III and GIS Specialist in the Classified Service of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith.

Passed: December 17th, 2018

A Resolution fixing the salaries and wages of full-time employees of the City of Orrville for the grades heretofore established, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 17th, 2018

A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 17th, 2018

A Resolution declaring the intent of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to appropriate fee simple title to the hereinafter described real property for the purpose of highway improvements, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 3rd, 2018

A Resolution declaring the intent of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to appropriate temporary construction easements in the hereinafter described real estate for the purpose of highway improvements, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 3rd, 2018

A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2018, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 3rd, 2018

A Resolution fixing the salaries and wages of full-time employees of the City of Orrville eligible for membership in the Ohio Patrolmen's Benevolent Association (OPBA), repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 3rd, 2018

An Ordinance amending Section 151.02(g), Section 151.02(j), and Section 151.02(k) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding overtime, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 3rd, 2018

An Ordinance amending Section 151.06 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding uniform allowances, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 3rd, 2018

An Ordinance authorizing the expenditures of certain funds to miplement the contract between the City of Orrville and the Ohio Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 3rd, 2018

An Ordinance amending Section 151.03 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, relating to employee leave, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 3rd, 2018

An Ordinance authorizing the expenditures of certain funds to implement the contract between the City of Orrville and the United City Workers (UCW), and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 3rd, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State Auditor's office to prepare the annual audit for fiscal year ending December 31, 2018, December 31, 2019, and December 31, 2020, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 19th, 2018

A Resolution to accept the recommendations of the Orrville Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville.

Passed: November 19th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts,without bidding, each for a one year period, for various services and supplies required by the Department of Public Utilities, Orrville, Ohio, for the year 2019.

Passed: November 19th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Utility Board of Control to bid and contract, for a one year period, for annual purchases of electric meters and components and chemicals for all utilities for the year 2019.

Passed: November 19th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts with other political subdivisions to provide Police, Fire and/or EMS services and to receive dispatching services from said political subdivisions for the calendar year 2019

Passed: November 19th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, Municipal personal property in the year 2019.

Passed: November 19th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, unclaimed or forfeited property held by the Police Department in the year 2019.

Passed: November 19th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a purchase order or orders, without bidding, for the purchase of the following materials and services to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for calendar year 2019, as follows:  purchase of gasoline and diesel fuel; purchase of medium curing asphalt, asphaltic concrete and asphaltic emulsions; concrete; liquid insecticide for mosquito control; services, supplies and machinery needed to chip and seal roadways, alleys and/or city-owned parking lots and driveways; services, supplies and machinery for street traffic painting and crack sealing services; general miscellaneous engineering and architectural services; Police Professional Liability insurance; and Public Officials Liability insurance (with riders for Employment Practices Liability, Extended Employment Practices Liability).

Passed: November 19th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to execute a contract or contracts without bidding for coal supply and ash disposal for a three (3) year period, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 5th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities and/or the Public Utilities Board of Control to bid and enter into a contract for the construction of a new high flow lift station at the wastewater plant, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 15th, 2018

An Ordinance vacating an alley running North and South, parallel to South Main Street, between Lots 1018-1022 and 619-623, in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: October 15th, 2018

A Resolution strongly opposing State Issue #1.

Passed: October 1st, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities and/or the Public Utilities Board of Control to bid and enter into a contract for repairs and painting of the west water tower, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 17th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities and/or the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, to replace the common stack for Boilers 10 and 11, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 17th, 2018

A Resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 4th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for grant or loan funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 4th, 2018

A Resolution approving the Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Joint Waste Management Districts' Amended Draft Solid Waste Management Plan, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 4th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for grant funds for the Orr Pool Bathhouse Renovations and authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts and/or to procure quotes and enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for the project, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 4th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the asphalt resurfacing of Schmid Hall parking lot, High Street parking lot, and Crown Hill Cemetery driveways in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 16th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement to sell Lot 3806 in the City of Orrville, Ohio, containing approximately 20.273 acres, located in the Orrville Business and Technology Park, to SBF Holdings LLC, an Ohio limited liability company, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 16th, 2018

A Resolution adopting the Wayne County Hazard Mitigation Plan developed by the Wayne County Emergency Management Agency and approved by Ohio Emergency Management Agency ("OEMA") and Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA").

Passed: July 16th, 2018

A Resolution amending, repealing and replacing Resolution 52-17 passed by the Orrville City Council on November 20, 2017, to include repair of wire, cable and components in paragraph G below, authorizing the Public Utlities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for no more than a one-year period, for various services and supplies required by the Department of Public Utilities, Orrville, Ohio, for y ear 2018, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 16th, 2018

A Resolution approving the budget for the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the alendar year 2019, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 16th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities to execute the 2019-2026 Fixed Volume Energy Supply Schedule with American Municipal Power, Inc., ("AMP") pertaining to Master Service Agreement 1-2006-4739.


Passed: June 18th, 2018

An ordinance vacating a 15 foot wide alley running North and South parallel to Cleveland Avenue, between Lots 2983 and 3284, in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: June 4th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the resurfacing of East Chestnut Street, East Paradise Street, and South Walnut Street in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 7th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing participating in the ODOT Winter Contract (018-19) for road salt for the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: May 7th, 2018

An Ordinance amending and/or supplementing Section 1120.03 "Prohibited Uses" of Chapter 1120 "Planning and Zoning Code" of the City of Orrville, Ohio, concerning prohibited uses to prohibit the cultivation, processing and retail dispensing of marijuana in all zoning districts of the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: May 7th, 2018

An Ordinance amending Section 151.08 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, relating to the compensation of elected officials and certain appointed officers.

Passed: April 16th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for no more than a one year period, for the purchase of wood distribution poles, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 16th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the Heartland Trail, Phase 1, in Baughman Township, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 16th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Servicing Director to enter into an agreement and/or agreements to purchase real estate located on North Vine Street, Orrville, Ohio (PPN 59-01128.000).

Passed: April 16th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2017, 2018 or 2019 Ford Police Interceptor Utility V6 AWD Vehicle; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase to include an optional offset to the cost of said vehicle via the trade-in of one (1) 2004 Ford Crown Victoria, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 2nd, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities and/or the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract, without bidding, for well maintenance, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 2nd, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to procure quotes from various vendors and then enter into an agreement and/or agreements without bidding, to replace a portion of the roof of Fire Station #1 for the fire department of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 2nd, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract and/or contracts with the State of Ohio, Department of Transportation, for the purpose to perform pavement repairs and resurface State Route 57 in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 2nd, 2018

A Resolution imposing a Moratorium for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days from the effective date of this Resolution on the issuance and processing of any permits allowing retail dispensaries, cultivators, or processors of medical marijuana within the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 2nd, 2018

An Ordinance establishing the regular meetings of the Council of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 19th, 2018

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the 2018 Concrete Streets project in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 19th, 2018

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2018, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 5th, 2018

Ordinance C-18, An Ordinance to amend the City of Orrville, Ohio, Income Tax Code to Adopt Sections 718.80 through 718.95 of the Ohio Revised Code, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 20th, 2018

Ordinance B-18, An Ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain ordinances as parts of the various Component Codes of the Codified Ordinances of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 20th, 2018

Res. 2-18:  A Resolution authorizing the Director of Safety and Service to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for DSD Investments, LLC and Refractory Coating Technologies, Inc. and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: February 5th, 2018

Ord. A-18:  An Ordinance authorizing the use of under-speed vehicles – golf carts on streets in the City of Orrville, Ohio, providing an inspection program therefore and repealing inconsistent legislation.  1st reading. 

Passed: February 5th, 2018

Res. 1-18:  A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an Agreement and/or Agreements with the State Auditor’s Office to prepare the annual audit for fiscal year ending December 31, 2017, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: February 5th, 2018


A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the 2018 OPWC Street Resurfacing Project:  East Chestnut Street, East Paradise Street, and South Walnut Street, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 18th, 2017

A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2018, and declaring an emergency.   

Passed: December 18th, 2017

A Resolution to establish the classifications of Power Plant Technician 1, 2, and 3 in the Classified Service of the City of Orrville, Ohio; and to abolish the positions of Power Plant Operator Apprentice, Power Plant Operator I, Power Plant Worker II and Control Room Operator; and repealing all Legislation inconsistent herewith.   

Passed: December 18th, 2017

A Resolution to accept the recommendations of the Orrville Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville, Ohio. 

Passed: December 4th, 2017

An Administrative Order granting authority to the Public Utilities Board of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to increase Wastewater Utility Rates by seven percent (7%) beginning December 1, 2017, through December 31, 2017.  The first day of January beginning 2018 through January 1, 2022 increases as follows:  The first year (2018) the increase will be seven percent (7%).  The next four years (2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022) the increase will be six percent (6%) per year. 

Passed: November 20th, 2017

An Administrative Order granting authority to the Public Utilities Board of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to increase Water Utility Rates by eight percent (8%) beginning December 1, 2017, through December 31, 2017.  The first day of January beginning 2018 through January 1, 2022 increases as follows: The first two years (2018 and 2019) the increase will be seven percent (7%) per year.  The next three years (2020, 2021, and 2022) the increase will be six percent (6%) per year.   

Passed: November 20th, 2017

A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2017, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: November 20th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for no more than a one year period, for various services and supplies required by The Department of Public Utilities, Orrville, Ohio, for year 2018.   

Passed: November 20th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Utility Board of Control to bid and contract, for no more than a one year period, for purchases of electric distribution poles, electric meters and components and chemicals for all utilities for year 2018.  

Passed: November 20th, 2017

An Ordinance to authorize the Mayor of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to join a coalition of municipalities retaining special counsel for purposes of initiating litigation to challenge the constitutionality of amendments to Chapter 718 of the Ohio Revised Code relating to Municipal income tax, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: November 6th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a purchase order(s), without bidding, for the purchase of the following materials and services to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for calendar year 2018, as follows: purchase of gasoline and diesel fuel; purchase of medium curing asphalt, asphaltic concrete and asphaltic emulsions; concrete; liquid insecticide for mosquito control, services, supplies and machinery needed to chip and seal roadways, alleys and/or city-owned parking lots and driveways; services, supplies and machinery for street traffic painting and crack sealing services; general miscellaneous engineering and architectural services; Police Professional Liability Insurance; and Public Officials Liability Insurance (with Riders for Employment Practices Liability, Extended Employment Practices Liability).  

Passed: November 6th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, unclaimed or forfeited property held by the Police Department in the year 2018. 

Passed: November 6th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, Municipal personal property in the year 2018.  

Passed: November 6th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts with other political subdivisions to provide Police, Fire and/or EMS services and to receive dispatching services to said political subdivisions for the calendar year 2018.  

Passed: November 6th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Mayor of the City of Orrville to enter into Settlement Agreement, Easements, and other related documents as settlement in full by mutual agreement of Catalpadale Dairy, Ltd., John W. Douglass, Lois C. Douglass, City of Orrville, Ohio, Rails-to-Trails of Wayne County and CAT Land Co. Ltd., all parties to that certain lawsuit filed in Wayne County Common Pleas Court on or about June 6, 2014, as Case No. 2014-CVC-H-000285, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 2nd, 2017

A Resolution  authorizing the Director of Safety and Service to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for SBF Holdings, LLC dba Venture Products, Inc., and declaring an emergency.                

Passed: October 2nd, 2017

A Resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor.  

Passed: September 18th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Safety – Service Director to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for grant or loan funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: September 18th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with or without bidding to remove asbestos at 240 West Market Street, Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 18th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities to prepare and submit an application and/or applications to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for grant funds, and to enter into an agreement and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds for the water main replacement beginning from High Street to Crown Hill Road, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: September 5th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Director of the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts without bidding, to clean and paint the tall stack at the power plant, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: September 5th, 2017

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement to sell a parcel of property containing approximately 3.239 acres, located in the Orrville Technology park, and declaring an emergency.  Passed 7/17/17

Passed: July 17th, 2017

A resolution approving the budget for the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the calendar year 2018, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 17th, 2017

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2017, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 3rd, 2017

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, to demolish real estate located at 240 West Market Street, Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 3rd, 2017

A Resolution rescinding Resolution No. 10-17 that was approved by the Council of the City of Orrville, Ohio, on April 3, 2017.  This Resolution was titled: A Resolution to establish the classification of Assistant Fire Chief in the classified service of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith.

Passed: June 19th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for GMEG, LLC and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: June 5th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement and/or agreements to purchase real estate located on West Market Street, Orrville, Ohio (PPN 59-01970.000, 59-01972.000, 59-01973.000, and 59-01974.000) and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: June 5th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement to sell Lot 3790 containing approximately 9.435 acres, located in the Orrville Industrial Park, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: May 15th, 2017

A Resolution  authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance (TCPN Program) Federal Purchasing Cooperative  or the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, for purchase and installation of (2) Daikin Maverick Roof Top Units for City Hall of the City of Orrville, Ohio; or alternatively to purchase said equipment and installation from another vendor upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 15th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for the emergency repair of approximately 1500’ of 36 inch concrete sewer main, and declaring an emergency.   

Passed: May 15th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the asphalt resurfacing of West Oak Street, West Pine Street, South Vine Street and Water Street, in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: May 15th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the President of Council of Orrville, Ohio, as an alternate delegate to represent the City of Orrville, Ohio, as a member of the Board of Directors of the Ohio Muniicipal Electric Association.

Passed: May 15th, 2017

A Resolution for the performance of pavement repairs and resurfacing on State Route 57 in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 15th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the National Joint Powers Alliance Cooperative  Purchasing to purchase one (1) 2017 Kubota RTV X1100C; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the National Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; all purchase options to include an optional offset to the cost of said vehicle via the trade-in of one (1) 1995 John Deere Gator 4x2, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 15th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the asphalt resurfacing of East Oak Street, Arlington Drive, and Independence Drive, in the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 15th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement and/or agreements to purchase real estate located at 240 West Market Street, Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 1st, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the 2017 Concrete Streets Project in the City Of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 1st, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to participate in the ODOT Winter Contract (018-18) for road salt, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 17th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Partnership Agreement with the City of Wooster and Wayne County for applying to the Ohio Department Services Agency for a Small Cities Community Development Block Grant for Community Housing Impact and Preservation (CHIP) Funds, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 17th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts for professional planning services to update the Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations for the City of Orrville.  

Passed: April 17th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board to enter into a contract and/or contracts for the installation and to purchase materials to replace approximately 5,800’ of water main on West High Street to Crownhill Road, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 17th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2017 or 2018 Ford Interceptor Sedan V6 AWD Police Cruiser; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase to include an optional offset to the cost of said vehicle via the trade-in of one (1) 2005 Ford Taurus SEL and two (2) 2008 Ford Crown Victoria police cruisers, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: April 17th, 2017

An ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain Ordinances as parts of the various Component Codes of the Codified Ordinances of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 3rd, 2017

A Resolution imposing a Moratorium for a period not to exceed three hundred sixty five (365) days from the effective date of this Resolution on the issuance and processing of any permits allowing retail dispensaries, cultivators, or processors of medical marijuana within the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 3rd, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase forty (40) MARCS pagers for the Fire Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 3rd, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements without bidding, to purchase twelve (12) complete Scotts Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Air-Paks Model 75 or X3, plus twelve (12) spare bottles for the Fire Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 3rd, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to procure quotes from various vendors and then enter into an agreement and/or agreements without bidding, to replace the floor of the Fire Station #1 for the Fire Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 3rd, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to procure quotes from various vendors and then enter into an agreement and/or agreements without bidding, to repair the wall of the Pine Street Garage for the Police Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 3rd, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements without bidding, to purchase one (1) Ventrac Tractor for the Cemetery Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 3rd, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2017 or newer Ford F-250 Pickup Truck for the Cemetery Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price that it can be purchased through the state contract, as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: April 3rd, 2017

A Resolution to establish the classification of Assistant Fire Chief in the classified service of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith.

Passed: April 3rd, 2017

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2017, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 20th, 2017

An Ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of $300,000 Notes, in anticipation of the issuance of Bonds, for the purpose of paying costs of improving the Municipal Water System by the acquisition and construction of improvements to that system including, but not limited to, the development of a new well field, extending raw water mains to that well field, constructing a building and a booster station in connection therewith and improving the site thereof, upgrading the control system at the water plant, increasing the capacity of and otherwise improving and upgrading existing raw water mains, installing additional pumping capacity and water mains, upgrading existing water mains, and otherwise improving that system, together with all necessary appurtenances thereto, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 6th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for the repair of Turbine-Generator No. 11 at the Power Plant, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 6th, 2017

An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map created by Chapter 1120 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to reclassify parcels of land located on the south east side of Rohrer Road consisting of 12.044, 11.445 and 13.467 acres in the City of Orrville, Ohio, from R-1 Residential to R-2 Residential.

Passed: February 21st, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for Timothy Enterprises, LLC, and Nagy's Body & Frame, Inc., and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 21st, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an Agreement and/or Agreements with the State Auditor’s Office to prepare the annual audit for fiscal year ending December 31, 2016, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: February 6th, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities and/or the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract, without bidding, for the replacement of electric distribution truck #58 with a truck which meets the specifications of the City of Orrville, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 17th, 2017

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2017, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 3rd, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the Venture Drive Extension Project, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 3rd, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the 2017 OPWC Street Resurfacing Project:  S Vine Street, W Oak St., W Pine Street, and E and W Water Street, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 3rd, 2017

A Resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to file a joint application with Rails-to-Trails of Wayne County and enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to become eligible for financial assistance for public recreation purposes, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 3rd, 2017


A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2017, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 19th, 2016

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2016, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 5th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for no more than a one year period, for various services and supplies required by the Department of Public Utilities.

Passed: December 5th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Utility Board of Control to bid and contract, for no more than a one year period, for purchases of electric distribution poles, electric meters and components and chemicals for all utilities.

Passed: December 5th, 2016

A resolution to accept the recommendations of the Orrville Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville.

Passed: December 5th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, to purchase twelve (12) complete Scotts Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Air-Paks Model 75 or X3, plus twelve (12) spare bottles for the Fire Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio, which meets the specifications for the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 5th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities to approve the form and authorize the execution of a power sales contract with American Municipal Power, Inc., and taking other actions in connection therewith regarding participation in the AMP Solar Project II, and to declare an emergency.

Passed: November 21st, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts with other political subdivisions to provide police, fire and/or EMS services and/or dispatching services to said political subdivisions for the calendar year 2017.

Passed: November 21st, 2016

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, municipal personal property in the year 2017.

Passed: November 21st, 2016

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, unclaimed or forfeited property held by the police department in the year 2017.

Passed: November 21st, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a purchase order(s), without bidding, for the purchase of the following materials and services to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for calendar year 2017, as follows:  purchase of gasoline and diesel fuel; purchase of medium curing asphalt, asphaltic concrete and asphaltic emulsions; concrete; liquid insecticide for mosquito control, services, supplies and machinery needed to chip and seal roadways, alleys and/or city-owned parking lots and driveways; services, supplies and machinery for street traffic painting and crack sealing services; general miscellaneous engineering and architectural services; police professional liability insurance; and public officials liability insurance (with riders for employment practices liability, extended employment practices liability).

Passed: November 21st, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Director of Safety and Service to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for McElroy Packaging Inc., and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 17th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement to sell Lot 3789 to SBF Holdings, an Ohio LLC company, containing approximately 3.239 acres, located in the Orrville Industrial Park, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 7th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement to sell Lot 3790 to McElroy Packaging Inc., an Ohio company, containing approximately 9.435 acres, located in the Orrville Industrial Park, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 7th, 2016

An ordinance providing for the adoption of a three percent (3%) transient lodging tax in the City of Orrville, Ohio, effective January 1, 2017.

Passed: October 17th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts with the Wayne County Commissioners to provide supplemental funding for the Pearl Street Resurfacing Project in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 17th, 2016

A resolution imposing a Moratorium for a period not to exceed one hundred eighty (180) days from the effective date of this Resolution on the issuance and processing of any permits allowing retail dispensaries, cultivators, or processors of medical marijuana within the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 17th, 2016

A resolution of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for bridge inspection program services with the Ohio Department of Transportation, including, but not limited to bridge load rating calculations, scour assessments, bridge inspections, and fracture critical plan development, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 3rd, 2016

A resolution of the City of Orrville, Ohio, accepting a temporary construction easement and permanent sidewalk easement from Pericles Holdings LLC for the purpose of constructing a trail in the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the benefits of Rails-to-Trails of Wayne County.

Passed: September 19th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works commission State Capital Improvement Program for grant or loan funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 19th, 2016

A resolution of the City of Orrville, Ohio, accepting a temporary construction easement and permanent sidewalk easement from Goodwill Industries of Wayne & Holmes Counties Inc. for the purpose of constructing a trail in the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the benefit of Rails-to-Trails of Wayne County.

Passed: September 9th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for engineering and materials for the purchase of materials to upgrade the Power Plant heating system and building structure, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 18th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for the purchase of natural gas, transmission service agreements and/or contracts and for consulting services, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 18th, 2016

A resolution approving the budget for the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the calendar year 2017, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 18th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, for street striping and painting services, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 27th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for construction administration and inspection services for the Heartland Trail, Phase 2, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 6th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for the repair of Turbine-Generator No. 9 at the Power Plant, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 6th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the National Joint Powers Alliance Cooperative, or the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) Street Sweeper for the Service Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio; or alternatively to purchase said equipment from another vendor upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 16th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to sign an Agreement and/or Agreements on behalf of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the purchase of salt from the Ohio Department of Transportation for the 2016-2017 season, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 16th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the National Joint Powers Alliance Cooperative or the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) Kubota V Series 3 cylinder All-terrain Vehicle for the fire department of the City of Orrville, Ohio; or alternatively to purchase said equipment from another vendor upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; rescinding Resolution 12-16, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 2nd, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Director of Safety and Service to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for Orrville Cobblestone LLC, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 2nd, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the 2016 Street Rehabilitation project in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 2nd, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the resurfacing of Market Street in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 2nd, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, with the Wayne County Commissioners to provide supplemental funding for the Fair Street Resurfacing Project in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 18th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) Kubota V Series 3 cylinder All-terrain Vehicle for the fire department of the City of Orrville, Ohio; or alternatively to purchase said equipment from another vendor upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 18th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the Market Street Resurfacing project, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 4th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2016 or 2017 Ford Interceptor Sedan V6 AWD police cruiser; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 4th, 2016

An ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain Ordinances as parts of the various Component Codes of the Codified Ordinances of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 21st, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, to purchase nineteen (19) APX4000 portable Motorola radios and associated equipment through Motorola Solutions for the fire department of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 21st, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts for a period not to exceed three (3) years, without bidding, for selected insurance needs of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 21st, 2016

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2016, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 21st, 2016

An ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of $400,000 notes, in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, for the purpose of paying costs of improving the Municipal Water System by the acquisition and construction of improvements to that system including, but not limited to, the development of a new well field, extending raw water mains to that well field, constructing a building and a booster station in connection therewith and improving the site thereof, upgrading the control system at the water plant, increasing the capacity of and otherwise improving and upgrading existing raw water mains, and otherwise improving that system, together with all necessary appurtenances thereto, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 7th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Servicing Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the 2016 OPWC Concrete Reconstruction project for the resurfacing of Church Street, Crown Hill Road, North Elm Street, Hostetler Road, Lynn Drive, North Mill Street, East Oak Street, and Sunset Drive, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 7th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to advertise for bids and to enter into a contract and/or contracts for lime sludge removal, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 16th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for the lease of concession stand space for the sale of soft drinks, ice cream, candy, popcorn, peanuts, and other like items at Orr park for the years 2016 and 2017.

Passed: February 16th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State Auditor's Office to prepare the annual audit for fiscal year ending December 31, 2015, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 16th, 2016

An ordinance accepting and confirming the dedication of a portion of Terrapin Trail, Sunnyview Lane, and West Market Street in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 19th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the construction of the Heartland Trail, Phase 2, in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 19th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the construction of the Downtown Depot Restroom building in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 19th, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, to purchase twenty-six (26) APEX 6000 portable Motorola radios, thirteen 913) APEX 6500 mobile Motorola radios, and associated equipment through Motorola Solutions for the Fire Department of the City of Orrville Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 1st, 2016

A resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor.

Passed: January 1st, 2016

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the Fire Station #2 Parking Lot Resurfacing project in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 1st, 2016


An ordinance amending Section 151.06 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding uniform allowances, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 21st, 2015

An Ordinance amending Section 151.05(b) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding holidays for Police Department personnel, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 21st, 2015

A Resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement to sell a parcel of land, containing approximately 4.0 acres, located in the Orrville Business and Technology Park, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 21st, 2015

A Resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2016 sixty-foot distribution bucket truck; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications of the City of Orrville, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 21st, 2015

A Resolution fixing the salaries and wages of full-time employees of the City of Orrville, Ohio, eligible for membership in the United City Workers Union (UCW) for the grades heretofore established, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 21st, 2015

A Resolution fixing the salaries and wages of full-time employees of the City of Orrville, Ohio, eligible for membership in the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (OPBA), repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: December 21st, 2015

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2016, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 21st, 2015

An ordinance to amend Chapter 181 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding Municipal Income Tax, and declaring an emergency.


Passed: December 7th, 2015

A Resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2015, and declaring an emergency.  

Passed: December 7th, 2015

A Resolution to accept the recommendations of the Orrville Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 7th, 2015

A Resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to execute a contract or contracts, without bid, for coal supply and ash disposal for a three (3) year period, and declaring an emergency. 

Passed: December 7th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an amended contract and/or contracts to provide for a Job Creation Income Tax Credit for The J. M. Smucker Company and its subsidiaries, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 7th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2016 or 2017 Ford Interceptor Sedan V6 AWD police cruiser; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 16th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts in 2016 with other political subdivisions nor districts to provide Police, Fire, and/or EMS dispatch services and mutual aid to said political subdivisions or districts, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 16th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, Municipal personal property in the year 2016.

Passed: November 16th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, unclaimed or forfeited property held by the Police Department in the year 2016.

Passed: November 16th, 2015

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2015, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 2nd, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for no more than a one year period, for various services and supplies required by the Department of Public Utilities, Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: November 2nd, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Utility Board of Control to bid and contract, for no more than a one year period, for purchases of electric distribution poles, electric meters, and components and chemicals for all utilities.

Passed: November 2nd, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a purchase contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for the purchase of the following materials and services to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for calendar year 2016:  purchase of gasoline and diesel fuel; purchase of medium curing asphalt, asphaltic concrete and asphalt emulsions; concrete; services, supplies and machinery needed to chip and seal roadways, alleys and/or city-owned parking lots and driveways; general miscellaneous engineering and architectural services; police professional liability insurance; and public officials liability insurance (with riders for employment practices liability, extended employment practices liability).

Passed: November 2nd, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a purchase contract and/or contracts to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for calendar year 2016, for the following materials and services:  liquid insecticide for mosquito control; traffic paint services; and crack sealing services.

Passed: November 2nd, 2015

An ordinance accepting and confirming the dedication fo a portion of Apple Avenue in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: October 19th, 2015

An ordinance amending Section 913.01, 913.06, 913.07, 913.09, and 913.16 of Chapter 913 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding control of industrial wastes, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 19th, 2015

An ordinance amending Section 1111.06(B)(32) of the Zoning Code of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding the Permitted Conditional Uses, Regulations section.

Passed: October 9th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Director of Safety and Service to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for The J. M. Smucker Company / Big Heart Pet Brands, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 5th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Director of Safety and Service to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for Jarrett Companies, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 5th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, to purchase eight (8) Pyramid Vehicular Repeaters, and associated equipment and labor through B&C Communications for the police department of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 5th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, to purchase sixteen (16) APX6000Li portable Motorola Radios, eight (8) APX7500 mobile Motorola Radios, and associated equipment through Motorola Solutions for the police department of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 5th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to bid and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the purchase of LED street lights and related materials, and waiver of the normal 30 day waiting period.  This action is a requirement of a Federal EPA Consent Agreement and Final Order dated and effective September 16, 2015, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 5th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to bid and enter into a contract and/or contracts for purchase of materials, services, permitting, construction and installation of a new transmission line, substation(s) and related system improvements, and waiver of the normal 30 day waiting period, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 5th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for engineering design and development of bid specifications to construct a new transmission line and waiver of the normal 30 day waiting period, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 5th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to bid and enter into a contract and/or contracts to purchase materials for and construction of the retrofit of Boiler 13 with natural gas burners and waiver of the normal 30 day waiting period.  This action is a requirement of a Federal EPA Consent Agreement and Final Order dated effective September 16, 2015, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 5th, 2015

A resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor.

Passed: September 8th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to prepare and submit an application to participate inn the Ohio Public Works commission State Capital Improvement Program for grant or loan funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 8th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an Enterprise Zone Agreement to provide for tax abatement for real property for SBF Holdings, LLC, dba Venture Products, Inc., and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 8th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement, without bidding, to purchase a gazebo for the Crown Hill Cemetery ash garden of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: August 12th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Mayor and Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a consent agreement or agreements with the United States Environmental Protection Agency and/or Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: August 12th, 2015

A resolution amending Resolution 15-15 and authorizing the Safety-Service Director and the Board of Control of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to advertise for bids and to execute and participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for loan funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: August 12th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to take bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts to remove asbestos and demolish a property pursuant to Section 1311.06 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: August 12th, 2015

An ordinance amending Codified Ordinances Section 144.04 Use of Revenue to allow for paramedic training and education expenses from the EMS Fund, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 6th, 2015

An ordinance amending Section 149.03 of Chapter 149 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, relating to cemetery rates, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 6th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into an agreement or agreements to join a Regional Council of Governments pursuant to Chapter 167 of the Ohio Revised Code, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 6th, 2015

A resolution approving the budget for the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the calendar year 2016, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 6th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for chip and seal resurfacing of various City streets, in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 15th, 2015

An ordinance authorizing the Utility Board of Control and the Board of Control for the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a contract and/or contracts for ERP accounting software, hardware, data conversion, and training for the Utilities Department and the general government, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 1st, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to sign an agreement and/or agreements on behalf of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the purchase of salt from the Ohio Department of Transportation for the 2015-2016 season, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 18th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts with the Wayne County Commissioners to provide supplemental funding for the Jefferson Avenue Resurfacing project in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 18th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the resurfacing of Back Massillon Road in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 18th, 2015

An ordinance determining the video service provider fee to be paid by a video service provider offering video service in the City of Orrville, Ohio, pursuant to a video service authorization; authorizing the Mayor to give notice to the video service provider of the video service provider fee; and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 4th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to execute and participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for loan funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 4th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2015 or newer Freightliner 33,000 GVWR Cab and Chassis Dump Truck for the Service Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract, as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase to include an offset to the cost of said vehicle via the trade-in of a 1985 GMC Dump Truck, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 4th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract for the purchase of 2015 Massey Ferguson 1754 with Mitsubishi K39 engine, 4-cylinder diesel tractor for the service department which meets the specifications of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 4th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, to purchase twelve (12) complete Scotts Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SBCA) Air-Paks Model 75 or X3, plus twelve (12) spare bottles for the Fire Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio, which meets the specifications of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 4th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) Zoll X Series Manual Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillator for the Fire Department of the City of Orrville, Ohio; or alternatively to purchase said equipment from another vendor upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 4th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the resurfacing of City Hall parking lot, Section 12 drives in Crown Hill Cemetery, and Country Lane, in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 20th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the Back Massillon Road Reconstruction Project, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 20th, 2015

An ordinance accepting and confirming the dedication of a portion of West Sassafras Street in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: April 6th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2015 or 2016 Ford Explorer SUV for a Fire Chief vehicle; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 6th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2015 or 2016 Ford Interceptor Sedan V6 AWD  police cruiser; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 6th, 2015

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2015, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 16th, 2015

An ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of $800,000 notes, in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, for the purpose of paying costs of improving the Municipal Water System by the acquisition and construction of improvements to that system including, but not limited to, the development of a new well field, extending raw water mains to that well field, constructing a building and a booster station in connection therewith and improving the site thereof, upgrading the control system at the water plant, increasing the capacity of and otherwise improving and upgrading existing raw water mains, installing additional pumping capacity and water mains, upgrading existing water mains, and otherwise improving that system, together with all necessary appurtenances thereto, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 2nd, 2015

An ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain Ordinances as parts of the various Component Codes of the Codified Ordinances of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 2nd, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an Agreement and/or Agreements with the State Auditor's Office to prepare the annual audit for fiscal year ending December 31, 2014, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 20th, 2015

A resolution establishing rates of pay for the firefighters of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and establishing salaries for members of the Fire Department; repealing conflicting ordinances; and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 20th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for construction administration and inspection of the WAY-E High Street Project, in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 20th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for WAY-East High Street Project (ODOT PID 95098) in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 20th, 2015

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for project administration and inspection of the WAY-Mill Street Demolition project, in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 5th, 2015


A resolution of the City of Orrville, Ohio, accepting a temporary construction easement and permanent sidewalk easement from Pericles Holdings LLC for the purpose of constructing a trail in the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the benefit of Rails to Trails of Wayne County.

Passed: December 15th, 2014

A resolution to accept the recommendations of the Orrville Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville.

Passed: December 15th, 2014

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2014, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 1st, 2014

A resolution to appropriate temporary construction easements in the hereinafter described real estate for the purpose of highway improvements, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 1st, 2014

A resolution to appropriate fee simple title to the hereinafter described real property for the purpose of highway improvements, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 1st, 2014

A resolution authorizing the extension of a certain agreement with Kimble Recycling and Disposal Inc. for trash service.

Passed: December 1st, 2014

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, unclaimed or forfeited property held by the police department.

Passed: December 1st, 2014

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, municipal personal property.

Passed: December 1st, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts in 2015 with other political subdivisions or districts to provide police, fire and/or EMS dispatch services and mutual aid to said political subdivisions or districts, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 1st, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities and/or the Public Utilities Board of Control to amend Resolutions 7-14 and 36-14 and to accept bids and to enter into a contract and/or contracts for improvements to the wastewater blower building and screen installation, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 1st, 2014

A resolution authorizing the board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for WAY-Mill Street Demo Project (ODOT PID 98896) in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 1st, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement to sell a parcel of land, containing approximately 6.028 acres, located in the Orrville Business and Technology Park, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 1st, 2014

An ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Safety-Service Director of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a contract with Kimble Recycling and Disposal, Inc., competitively bid by the City of Newburgh Heights, Ohio, for refuse collection and disposal and curbside recycling services, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 1st, 2014

A resolution declaring the intent of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to appropriate temporary construction easements for the real property known as Parcel Nol. 58-00338.000, 45.287 acres on Orrville Street in the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the purpose of highway improvements, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 1st, 2014

A resolution declaring the intent of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to appropriate fee simple title for the real property known as Parcel No. 58-00338.000, 45.287 acres on Orrville Street, in the City of Orrville, ohio, for the purpose of highway improvements, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 1st, 2014

A resolution amending and supplementing the Rules of Council for the purpose of creating rules relating to Executive Sessions of Council, and declaring an emergency.
Tabled 11-3-14

Passed: November 3rd, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for no more than a one year period, for various services and supplies required by the Department of Public Utilities.

Passed: October 20th, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Utility Board of Control to bid and contract for no more than a one year period, for purchases of electric distribution poles, electric meters and components and chemicals for all utilities.

Passed: October 20th, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a purchase contract and/or contracts for the purchase of the following materials and services to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for calendar year 2015 as follows:  purchase of gasoline and diesel fuel; purchase of medium curing asphalt, asphaltic concrete and asphalt emulsions; concrete; general miscellaneous engineering and architectectural services; police professional liability insurance; and public officials liability insurance with riders for employment practices liability, extended employment practices liability.

Passed: October 20th, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a purchase contract and/or contracts to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for calendar year 2015, for the following materials and services:  liquid insecticide for mosquito control; services, supplies and machinery needed to chip and seal roadways, alleys and/or city-owned parking lots and driveways; traffic paint services; and crack sealing services.

Passed: October 20th, 2014

An ordinance amending Chapter 1131, Section 1131.03 of the Orrville Zoning Code relating to Establishment of Design Review Board.

Passed: October 6th, 2014

An ordinance to authorize the establishment of the City of Orrville, Ohio, First Responders "Shop with a Cop" Program, or its successor program, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 6th, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities and/or the Public Utilities Board of Control to accept bids and to enter into a contract and/or contracts for improvements to the wastewater blower building and screen installation, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 6th, 2014

A resolution authorizing transfer of property located in Baughman Twp., NE, NW and SW Section 8, Wayne County, Ohio, consisting of 17.765 acres.
Tabled 10-6-14

Passed: October 6th, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into any agreements with the Ohio Department of Transportation necessary for the WAY-Mill Street-Demo (PID 98896), and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 15th, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to obtain quotes and enter into a contract and/or contracts without bidding for the replacement or overlay of the roof on Lacy Center, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 15th, 2014

An ordinance accepting and confirming the dedication of Raspberry Road in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: September 2nd, 2014

A resolution authorizing the extension of a certain agreement with Kimble Recycling and Disposal, Inc., for trash and recycling pickup in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: September 2nd, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Safety-Service Director of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into a contract with Kimble Recycling & Disposal Inc., competitively bid by the City of North Canton, Ohio, for refuse collection and disposal and curbside recycling services, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 2nd, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for Grant Funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 2nd, 2014

A resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor.

Passed: September 2nd, 2014

A resolution to adopt the Solid Waste Management Plan for the Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Joint Solid Waste Management District.

Passed: July 21st, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the replacement of the restroom in lower Orr Park, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 21st, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the replacement of the ball park fences in Orr Park, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 21st, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the replacement or overlay of the roof on Lacy Center, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 7th, 2014

A resolution to accept the recommendations of the Wayne County Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: July 7th, 2014

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2014, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 7th, 2014

A resolution approving the budget for the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the calendar year 2015, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 7th, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the 2014 Concrete Street Improvement Project in the City of Orrville, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 2nd, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the 2014 Street Rehabilitation project in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 19th, 2014

An ordinance amending Section 181.14 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 5th, 2014

An ordinance amending the zoning map created by Chapter 1120 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to reclassify a parcel of land located on the east side of North Crown Hill Road, consisting of 8.76 acres in the City of Orrville, Ohio, from R-2 Residential to R-3 Residential.

Passed: May 5th, 2014

A resolution authorizing transfers from the General Fund #101 to the Capital Projects Fund #401, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 5th, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for the repair of Turbine-Generator No. 11 at the Power Plant, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 5th, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into any agreements with the Ohio Department of Transportation necessary for the East High Street Projects, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 5th, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2014 or 2015 Ford Interceptor Sedan V6 AWD police cruiser; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase to include an offset to the cost of said vehicle via the trade-in of a 2007 Ford Crown Victoria police cruiser. (Replaces Res. 13-14)

Passed: April 21st, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2014 or 2015 4x4 GVWR 19500 Cab and Chassis truck, or alternately to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase or for the purchase of a compressed natural gas (CNG) comparable vehicle with no trade-in.

Passed: April 7th, 2014

A resolution in support of State Issue 1, renewal of the State Capital Improvements Program, on the May 6, 2014, ballot.

Passed: April 7th, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2014 Ford Interceptor Sedan V6 AWD police cruiser; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State Contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase to include an offset to the cost of said vehicle via the trade-in of a 2007 Ford Crown Victoria police cruiser.

Passed: April 7th, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the construction of the Apple Avenue extension project in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 7th, 2014

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2014, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 17th, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to sign an agreement and/or agreements on behalf of the City of Orrville for the purchase of salt from the Ohio Department of Transportation for the 2014-2015 season, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 17th, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to accept bids and to enter into a contract and/or contracts for the purchase of hydraulic rescue tools for the Fire Department of the City of Orrville.

Passed: March 17th, 2014

A resolution authorizing and empowering the Mayor of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to enter into an agreement and/or agreements to purchase real estate located at 400 North Mill Street, Orrville, Ohio, for the WAY-East High Street project (PID 80620), and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 3rd, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities and/or the Public Utilities Board to accept bids and to enter into a contract and/or contracts for improvements to the wastewater blower building and screen installation, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 3rd, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities and/or the Public Utilities Board to enter into a contract without bidding for the replacement of electric distribution truck #37 with a truck which meets the specifications of the City of Orrville, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 3rd, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for bridge inspection with the Ohio Department of Transportation, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 3rd, 2014

An ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of $1,100,000 Notes, in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, for the purpose of paying costs of improving the municipal water system by the acquisition and construction of improvements to that system including, but not limited to, the development of a new eell field, extending raw water mains to that well field, constructing a building and a booster station in connection therewith, and improving the site thereof, upgrading the control system at the water plant, increasing the capacity of and otherwise improving and upgrading existing raw water mains, installing additional pumping capacity and water mains, upgrading existing water mains, and otherwise improving that system, together with all necessary appurtenances thereto, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 18th, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities and/or the Public Utilities Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract for the replacement of electric distribution truck #37 with a truck which meets the specifications of the City of Orrville, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 18th, 2014

An ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain ordinances as parts of the various component codes of the Codified Ordinances of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 3rd, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the 2014 OPWC City reconstruction project:  Heatherwood Lane, Kenwood Drive, Meadow Lane, Tammy Court, and a portion of South Crown Hill Road, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 3rd, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for the lease of concession stand space for the sale of soft drinks, ice cream, candy, popcorn, peanuts, and other like items at Orr Park for the years 2014 and 2015.

Passed: February 3rd, 2014

An ordinance changing the name of portions of North Ella Street, Olive Street, and Congress Street in the City of Orrville, Wayne County, State of Ohio, to Red Rider Drive.

Passed: January 21st, 2014

An ordinance changing the name of Mineral Spring Street as it runs east and west parallel to High Street in the City of Orrville, Wayne County, State of Ohio, to Education Lane.

Passed: January 21st, 2014

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State Auditor's Office to prepare the annual audit for fiscal year ending December 31, 2013, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 21st, 2014

An ordinance vacating an alley running north and south parallel to South Main Street, between Lots 203 and 3740, in the City of Orrville.

Passed: January 6th, 2014

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2015, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 1st, 2014


An ordinance amending ord. Q-13 vacating an alley running north and south between North Vine Street and North Main Streets, between Lots 62, 63, 89 and 90, the City of Orrville, Ohio, solely for the purpose of revising the legal description of said alley. 

Passed: December 16th, 2013

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2013, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 16th, 2013

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2014, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 16th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Director of Safety and Service to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for Jarrett Companies, Inc., and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 2nd, 2013

A resolution to accept the recommendations of the Orrville Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville.

Passed: December 2nd, 2013

A resolution to change the pay grade of the Marketing Manager as set forth in the Supervisory, Management, Technical and Professional classifications of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and repealing all legislation inconsistent therewith.
Failed 12/2/13

Passed: December 2nd, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for no more than a one year period, for various services and supplies required by the Department of Public Utilities, Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: November 18th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Utility Board of Control to bid and contract, for no more than a one year period, for purchases of electric distribution poles, electric meters and components and chemicals for all utilities.

Passed: November 18th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to file a joint application with Rails to Trails of Wayne county and enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the Ohio Department of natural Resources to become eligible for financial assistance for public recreation purposes, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 18th, 2013

A resolution to change appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2013, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 18th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts in 2014 with other political subdivisions to provide police, fire and/or EMS dispatch services and mutual aid to said political subdivisions, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 18th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, municipal personal property.

Passed: November 18th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, unclaimed or forfeited property held by the police department.

Passed: November 18th, 2013

An ordinance amending Section 931.07 of Chapter 931 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, relating to the rates for garbage and rubbish collection.

Passed: October 21st, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to amend a contract and/or contracts to provide for a Job Creation Income Tax Credit for the J. M. Smucker Company and its subsidiaries, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 21st, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for engineering labor and materials for the relocation of a section of 138KV transmission line and distribution circuits, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 21st, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a purchase contract and/or contracts for the purchase of the following materials and services to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for calendar year 2014:  purchase of gasoline and diesel fuel; purchase of medium curing asphalt, asphaltic concrete and asphalt emulsions; concrete; general miscellaneous engineering and architectural services; police professional liability insurance; and public officials liability insurance (with riders for employment practices liability, extended employment practices liability).

Passed: October 21st, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a purchase contract and/or contracts to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for calendar year 2014, for the following materials and services:  liquid insecticide for mosquito control; services, supplies and machinery needed to chip and seal roadways, alleys and/or city-owned parking lots and driveways; traffic paint services; and crack sealing services.

Passed: October 21st, 2013

A resolution authorizing the amendment of a certain agreement with Kimble Companies for a trash and recycling pickup in the City of Orrville, Ohio, by increasing the rate charged.

Passed: October 21st, 2013

An ordinance vacating an alley running north and south between North Vine and North Main Streets, between Lots 62, 63, 89 and 90, in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: October 7th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to execute a contract or contracts without bid for coal supply and ash disposal for a two (2) year period, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 7th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for the Crown Hill radius improvement project in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 16th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts without bidding for the purchase of recreational equipment for Orr Park, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 16th, 2013

An ordinance to authorize the establishment of the Water Utility 2013 Bond Retirement Bond, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 3rd, 2013

An ordinance amending Section 151.08 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding compensation for Public Utilities Board Clerk and members of the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, and Design Review Board.

Passed: September 3rd, 2013

An ordinance amending the zoning map created by Chapter 1120 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville to reclassify a parcel of land known as lot number 3444 in the City of Orrville from I-2 (Industrial) to C-3 (Commercial).

Passed: September 3rd, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for asphalt overlay of Lacy Center parking lot, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 3rd, 2013

A resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor.

Passed: September 3rd, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works commission State Capital Improvement Program for grant funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 3rd, 2013

A resolution to accept and implement the recommendations of the Wayne County Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville.

Passed: September 3rd, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the City of Orrville, East High Street and East Pine Street projects, to complete Steps 5 through 9 of the former ODOT project development process for minor projects, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 3rd, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for Lakeview Drive, Magnolia Lane, and Primrose Lane improvement project in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 3rd, 2013

An ordinance allocating municipal investment earnings pro rata among the separate funds maintained by the City of Orrville, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 1st, 2013

A resolution approving the budget for the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the calendar year 2014, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 1st, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for the repair of turbine-generator no. 11 at the power plant, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 24th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to bid and execute a contract or contracts for coal supply and ash disposal for a three (3) year period, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 16th, 2013

A resolution to establish the classifications of Water/Wastewater Maintenance Worker 1, 2 & 3, in the classified service of the City of Orrville and to establish the classification of Water/Wastewater Maintenance Supervisor in the unclassified service of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith.

Passed: May 16th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement and/or agreements, without bidding, with Mast Lepley to purchase one (1) Ventrac 4500 tractor for the Service Department for use in the parks.

Passed: May 6th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the Ella Street improvement project in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 6th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities to enter into an agreement(s) to sell a parcel of property which is a portion formerly known as the Rosemount property, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 6th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for the overhaul of turbine-generator no. 10 at the power plant, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 6th, 2013

An ordinance authorizing the expenditures  of certain funds to implement the control between the City of Orrville and the United City Workers, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 29th, 2013

An ordinance authorizing the expenditures of certain funds to implement the contract between the City of Orrville and the Ohio Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 29th, 2013

An ordinance amending Section 151.16 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding leave donation, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 29th, 2013

An ordinance amending Section 151.06 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding uniform allowances, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 29th, 2013

An ordinance amending Section 151.03 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, relating employee leave, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 29th, 2013

An ordinance amending Section 151.02 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding overtime pay, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 29th, 2013

A resolution fixing the salaries and wages of full-time employees of the City of Orrville eligible for membership in the United City Workers Union (UCW) for the grades heretofore established, repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 29th, 2013

A resolution fixing the salaries and wages of full-time employees of the City of Orrville eligible for membership in the Ohio Patrolmen's Benevolent Association (OPBA), repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 29th, 2013

A resolution to establish the classifications of water/wastewater maintenance worker 1, 2 & 3 in the classified service of the City of Orrville and to establish the classification of water/wastewater maintenance supervisor in the unclassified service of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith.

Passed: April 15th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the board of Control to enter into a reimbursement agreement with AT&T corp., for the relocation of cable on the Norfolk Southern/Contrail right-of-way for the Raspberry Road Construction Project.

Passed: April 15th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for Lakeview Drive Improvements Project, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 15th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the construction of Raspberry Road, Phase 1, in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 15th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to sign an agreement and/or agreements on behalf of the City of Orrville for the purchase of salt from the Ohio Department of Transportation for the 2013-2014 season, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 15th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2013 Ford Interceptor Sedan V6 AWD Police Cruiser; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase to include an offset to the cost of said vehicle via the trade-in of a 2006 Ford Crown Victoria cruisers, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 15th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Director of Safety and Service to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for Pericles Holdings, LLC, and SD Orrville, LLC, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 1st, 2013

A resolution by the City of Orrville, Ohio, in support of tax-exempt municipal bonds.

Passed: April 1st, 2013

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville, Ohio, to pick up the statutorily required contribution to the Police and Fire Pension Fund of Ohio for the eligible employees of the City of Orrville Fire Department, and repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith.

Passed: April 1st, 2013

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville, Ohio, to pick up the statutorily required contribution to the Police and Fire Pension Fund of Ohio for the eligible employees of the City of Orrville Police Department, and repealing all legislation inconsistent herewith.

Passed: April 1st, 2013

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2013, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 25th, 2013

An ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of bonds in the maximum principal amount of $2,000,000 to refund at a lower interest cost certain of the City's outstanding water system refunding revenue bonds, series 2002, dated as of March 1, 2002, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 18th, 2013

An ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of bonds in the maximum principal amount of $1,035,000 to refund at a lower interest cost certain of the City's outstanding water system refunding revenue bonds, series 2002, dated as of march 1, 2002, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 18th, 2013

A resolution accepting the proposal of the Ohio Rail Development Commission (ORDC) and Norfolk Southern Railway Company (NS) for the closure of the Schrock Road grade crossing in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: March 18th, 2013

An ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of $1,300,000 notes, in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, for the purpose of paying costs of improving the municipal water system by the acquisition and construction of improvements to that system including, but not limited to, the development of a new well field, extending raw water mains to that well field, constructing a building and a booster station in connection therewith and improving the site thereof, upgrading the control system at the water plant, increasing the capacity of and otherwise improving and upgrading existing raw water mains, installing additional pumping capacity and water mains, upgrading existing water mains, and otherwise improving that system, together with all necessary appurtenances thereto, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 4th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts to purchase one (1) acre of land for wetland mitigation credits with the U.S. Army of Engineers, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 4th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board to enter into a contract and/or contracts to purchase "spot coal" for the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: February 19th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to take bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts to remove asbestos and demolish a property pursuant to Section 1311.06 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 19th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts for a period not to exceed three (3) years, without bidding, for selected insurance needs of the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: February 4th, 2013

An ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain ordinances as parts of the various component codes of the Codified Ordinances of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 22nd, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State Auditor's office to prepare the annual audit for fiscal year ending December 31, 2012, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 22nd, 2013

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to file a joint application with Rails-to-Trails of Wayne County and enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to become eligible for financial assistance for public recreation purposes, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 22nd, 2013

An ordinance vacating an alley running east and west near Tennyson Street, between Lots 1069, 1070, 1071 and 2375, in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: January 7th, 2013

An ordinance vacating Tennyson Street, 150 feet from West High Street in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: January 7th, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a permanent easement agreement(s) for the construction of Raspberry Road from the Norfolk Southern Railway Company.

Passed: January 1st, 2013

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for closure of Schrock Road from Crown Hill Road to Back Orrville Road, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 1st, 2013


A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2012, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 26th, 2012

An ordinance to permit payment of 2012 sick leave and vacation time relative to bargaining unit employees and non-bargaining employees currently eligible under City of Orrville's annual conversion plan, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 17th, 2012

An ordinance amending Section 505.29 for dangerous and vicious dogs of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 17th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts in 2013 with other political subdivisions to provide police, fire and/or EMS dispatch services and mutual aid to said political subdivisions, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 17th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the 2013 OPWC city paving project:  Ella Street Improvements, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 17th, 2012

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2013, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 17th, 2012

An ordinance vacating Arch Street in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: December 4th, 2012

An ordinance vacating Strawberry Lane in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: December 4th, 2012

An ordinance vacating North Mill Street between Strawberry Lane and Orr Street in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: December 4th, 2012

An ordinance vacating North Mill Street between Strawberry Lane and its northern terminus in the City of Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: December 4th, 2012

An ordinance amending the zoning map created by Chapter 1120 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to reclassify a parcel of land known as Lot No. 224, also known as 157 West Chestnut Street, in the City of Orrville from I-2 (Heavy Industrial) to R-3 (Residential).

Passed: December 4th, 2012

An ordinance amending the zoning map created by Chapter 1120 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to reclassify a parcel of land known as Lot No. 225, also known as 147 West Chestnut Street, in the City of Orrville from I-2 (Heavy Industrial) to R-3 (Residential).

Passed: December 4th, 2012

An ordinance amending the zoning map created by Chapter 1120 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to reclassify a parcel of land known as Lot No. NPT 226, also known as 239 South Main Street Rear, in the City of Orrville from C-2 (Local Commercial) to R-3 (Residential).

Passed: December 4th, 2012

A resolution strongly opposing the passage of HB 601 by the Ohio General Assembly which proposes uniformity measures for municipal income tax in the form of unfunded mandates and a substantial loss of revenue, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 4th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for no more than a one year period, for various services and supplies required by the Department of Public Utilities.

Passed: December 4th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Utility Board of Control to bid and contract, for no more than a one year period, for purchases of electric distribution poles, electric meters and components, and chemicals for all utilities.

Passed: December 4th, 2012

An ordinance changing the name of Enterprise Drive as it runs east and west between Dairy Lane and Commerce Drive in the City of Orrville, Wayne County, State of Ohio, to Venture Drive.

Passed: November 19th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, unclaimed or forfeited property held by the police department.

Passed: November 19th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by itnernet auction, or otherwise dispose of, municipal personal property.

Passed: November 19th, 2012

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2012, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 5th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into agreement(s) with the Wayne County Commissioners to participate in the Moving Ohio Forward grant program, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 5th, 2012

A resolution to accept the recommendations of the Orrville Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville.

Passed: November 5th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a purchase contract and/or contracts to advertise for bids for the purchase of one (1) 2012 asphalt crack seal melter/applicator, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 5th, 2012

A resolution accepting the Orrville Comprehensive Plan now on file with the Safety-Service Director.

Passed: November 5th, 2012

An ordinance amending Chapter 1111, Section 1111.05(A)(27) of the Zoning Code of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding the permitted conditional uses section.

Passed: October 15th, 2012

A resolution accepting transfer of title for 17.765 acres from Rails to Trails of Wayne County of the Rail Corridor running from Orrville to Marshallville.

Passed: October 15th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Director of the Public Utilities Board to integrate the power cost adjustment (PCA) factor into the existing rate schedule for electric service for the City of Orrville.

Passed: September 17th, 2012

An ordinance accepting and confirming the dedication of a portion of Buckeye Street in the City of Orrville, Wayne County, Ohio, to the public use forever, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 4th, 2012

An ordinance vacating an alley that Orrville City Council has determined will not be detrimental to the general interest, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 4th, 2012

A resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor.

Passed: September 4th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into any agreements with the Ohio Department of Transportation necessary for the Orrville Truck Route (PID 80620), and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 4th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for the purchase of all materials, supplies and services required for the installation of a 138 KV circuit breaker, located at AEP's East Wooster Substation, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 4th, 2012

A resolution of the Council of the City of Orrville, Wayne County, Ohio, supporting the designation of State Route 94 as a scenic byway, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 4th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a purchase contract and/or contracts for the purchase of the following materials and services to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for calendar year 2013:  Gasoline and diesel fuel; medium curing asphalt, asphaltic concrete and asphalt emulsions; concrete; general miscellaneous engineering and architectural services; police professional liability insurance; and public officials liability insurance (with riders for employment practices liability, extended employment practices liability).

Passed: September 4th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a purchase contract and/or contracts to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for calendar year 2013, for the following materials and services:  liquid insecticide for mosquito control; services, supplies and machinery needed to chip and seal roadways and/or alleys; traffic paint services; and crack sealing services.

Passed: September 4th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the replacement of the roof on City Hall, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 4th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for grant funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 2nd, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the repair and resurfacing of Brookwood Court, Cloveridge Drive, and Viking Avenue in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 2nd, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2012 Ford F250 4WD pickup truck with extended cab; or alternatively to purchase said vehicle from another dealer upon equivalent terms, conditions, and specifications, but at a lower price than it can be purchased through the State contract as allowed by Ohio Revised Code Section 125.04; or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 2nd, 2012

A resolution approving the budget for the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the calendar year 2013, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 2nd, 2012

An ordinance specifying the uses of certain types of revenues received by the City of Orrville for the purpose of classifying or re-classifying the fund type of which this revenue is credited.

Passed: June 4th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Wayne County Commissioners to file an application with the Ohio Attorney General's Office to participate in the Ohio Moving Forward Grant Program.

Passed: June 4th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2012 Ford F250 4WD Pickup Truck with extended cab, or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 4th, 2012

A resolution to approve the form and authorize the execution of Blue Creek Wind Energy schedule with American Municipal Power Inc. and taking of other actions in connection therewith regarding wind generated energy purchases, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 4th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the following paving projects:  Resurfacing of Brookwood Court, Cloveridge Drive, and Viking Avenue, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 21st, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to sign an agreement and/or agreements on behalf of the City of Orrville for the purchase of road salt from the Ohio Department of Transportation for the 2012-13 season, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 21st, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the reconstruction of Mineral Spring Street in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 21st, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Director of Safety and Service to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for SBF Holdings, LLC, DBA Venture Products Inc., and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 7th, 2012

A resolution to accept the recommendations of the Wayne County Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville.

Passed: May 7th, 2012

An ordinance amending Section 181.09 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 16th, 2012

An ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of $1,300,000 notes, in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, for the purpose of paying costs of improving the municipal water system by the acquisition and construction of improvements to that system including, but not limited to, the development of a new well field, extending raw water mains to that well field, constructing a building and a booster station in connection therewith and improving the site thereof, upgrading the control system at the water plant, increasing the capacity of and otherwise improving and upgrading existing raw water mains, installing additional pumping capacity and water mains, upgrading existing water mains, and otherwise improving that system, together with all necessary appurtenances thereto, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 19th, 2012

An administrative order granting authority to the Public Utilities Board of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to increase water utility fees by six percent (6%) per year for a three (3) year period beginning fiscal year 2012.

Passed: March 19th, 2012

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2012, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 19th, 2012

An ordinance amending the zoning map created by Chapter 1120 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to reclassify parcels of land known as lot numbers 1896 and 1897, also known 231 and 243 North Linden Avenue, in the City of Orrville from C-3 (intensive commercial) to R-3 (residential).

Passed: March 5th, 2012

An ordinance vacating an alley that Orrville City Council has determined will not be detrimental to the general interest.

Passed: March 5th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement to sell a parcel of property containing approximately 20.5 acres, located in the Orrville Industrial Park, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 21st, 2012

An ordinance accepting and confirming the dedication of a portion of South Main Street in the City of Orrville.

Passed: February 6th, 2012

An ordinance vacating an alley that Orrville City Council has determined will not be detrimental to the general interest.

Passed: February 6th, 2012

An ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain ordinances as parts of the various component codes of the Codified Ordinances of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 6th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract with New England Fire & Apparatus without bidding for the purchase of a 2007 International Medic Master Ambulance, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 6th, 2012

A resolution strongly supporting House Bill 195 and urging the State Government and Elections Committee to recommend approval by the entire General Assembly.

Passed: February 6th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the construction of Phase Two of a new loop road from North Mill Street to Apple Avenue, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 6th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the 2012 OPWC City Paving Project; Mineral Spring Street reconstruction, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 6th, 2012

A resolution levying assessments for the construction of sidewalks against abutting property owners who have failed to comply with the plans and specifications of the City of Orrville, Ohio, within the time prescribed as set forth in the Sidewalk Installation Program, Phase III, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 6th, 2012

An ordinance extending the temporary moratorium on the acceptance and processing of applications for zoning, occupancy, and/or building permit approvals for sweepstakes / internet cafes and the issuance of such approvals for a period of six (6) months, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 17th, 2012

An ordinance amending the zoning map created by Chapter 1120 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to reclassify parcels of land known as lot numbers 370-372 in the City of Orrville from I-2 Heavy Industrial to C-3 Commercial.

Passed: January 17th, 2012

An ordinance amending the zoning map created by Chapter 1120 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, to reclassify parcels of land known as lot numbers 2240-2242 in the City of Orrville from I-2 Heavy Industrial to C-3 Commercial.

Passed: January 17th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to file an application and enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to become eligible for financial assistance for public recreation purposes, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 17th, 2012

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for the lease of space for the sale of soft drinks, ice cream, candy, popcorn, peanuts and other like items at Orr Park for t he years 2012 and 2013.

Passed: January 17th, 2012


An ordinance amending the City of Orrville's annual vacation and sick leave conversion plans relative to bargaining unit employees and non-bargaining employees, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 19th, 2011

An ordinance allocating municipal investment earnings pro rate among the separate funds maintained by the City of Orrville, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 19th, 2011

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2011, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 19th, 2011

A resolution strongly opposing any efforts by the State of Ohio or any other third party central collection entity to take control of municipal income tax collection.

Passed: December 19th, 2011

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2012, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 19th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the amendment of a certain agreement with J & J Refuse Inc. for trash and recycling pickup in the City of Orrville, Ohio, by increasing the rate charged.

Passed: December 15th, 2011

An ordinance amending Section 931.07 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville.

Passed: December 5th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for no more than a one year period, for various services and supplies required by the Department of Public Utilities, Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: December 5th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Utility Board of Control to bid and contract, for no more than a one year period, for purchases of electric distribution poles, electric meters and components, chemicals for all utilities, and water meters and components for 2012.

Passed: December 5th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities to approve the form and authorize the execution of a Biogas Energy Schedule with American Municipal Power Inc. and taking other actions in connection therewith regarding Biogas Electric Generation, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 5th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts to provide for job creation income tax credit for Venture Products Inc., and its subsidiaries, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 5th, 2011

An ordinance amending Section 151.08 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Orrville, Ohio, regarding compensation for the Clerk of Council, and repealing Ordinance A-09.

Passed: November 21st, 2011

A resolution appointment Jeanne Gault as Clerk of Council effective January 1, 2012, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 21st, 2011

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2011, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 21st, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract or contracts, without bidding, for ash disposal for the power plant for a two year period.

Passed: November 21st, 2011

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, unclaimed or forfeited property held by the Police Department.

Passed: November 21st, 2011

A resolution authorizing the City of Orrville to sell by internet auction, or otherwise dispose of, municipal personal property.

Passed: November 21st, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts with the Trustees of Baughman, East Union and Sugar Creek Townships, and with the Central Fire District, to provide fire fighting and emergency medical services to said townships for a period of two (2) years, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 21st, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts with the University of Akron for police mutual aid.

Passed: November 21st, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Director of Safety and Service to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real property for John and Beth Chiofalo and Chiofalo Chiropractic, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 7th, 2011

A resolution to adopt the Hazard Mitigation Plan, as prepared by the Wayne County Planning Department, Emergency Management Agency, and previously approved by FEMA.

Passed: November 7th, 2011

A resolution to accept the recommendations of the Orrville Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville.

Passed: November 7th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities to enter into an agreement(s) to sell a parcel of property which is a portion formerly known as the Rosemount property, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: October 17th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a purchase contract and/or contracts to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the calendar year 2012, for the following materials and services:  liquid insecticide for mosquito control; services, supplies, and machinery needed to chip and seal roadways and/or alleys; traffic paint services; and crack sealing services.

Passed: October 3rd, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for the purchase of the following materials and services to meet the requirements of the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the calendar year 2012:  gasoline and diesel fuel; medium curing asphalt, asphaltic concrete and asphalt emulsions; concrete; general miscellaneous engineering and architectural services; police professional liability insurance; and public officials liability insurance (with riders for employment practices liability, extended employment practices liability).

Passed: October 3rd, 2011

An ordinance amending Section 1131.04(C) of the Orrville Codified Ordinances relating to the meeting schedule of the Design Review Board.

Passed: September 19th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program for grant funds and/or agreements as required to obtain said funds, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 19th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative to purchase one police cruiser, or in the alternative, to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for the purchase of one police cruisers, which meets the specifications of the City of Orrville.

Passed: September 19th, 2011

A resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor.

Passed: September 6th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts with other political subdivisions to provide police dispatch services to said political subdivisions, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: September 6th, 2011

An ordinance establishing a temporary moratorium on the acceptance and processing of applications for zoning, occupancy, and/or building permit approvals for sweepstakes / internet cafes and the issuance of such approvals, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 27th, 2011

An ordinance amending Chapter 1109 of the Orrville Zoning Code and adding legislation regarding sandwich board signs and inverted T signs.

Passed: July 18th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the Blackwell-Williams Dog Park site improvements in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 18th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville to contract, without bidding, for the purchase of a water treatment and control system for the cooling system at the Power Plant, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: July 18th, 2011

A resolution accepting the Dairy Lane, Enterprise Drive, and Commerce Drive dedication as contained in the plat on file at the City of Orrville, County of Wayne, State of Ohio, and confirming the dedication of all streets and utility easements set forth thereon, to the public use forever.

Passed: June 20th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to advertise for bids and enter into a contract and/or contracts for the resurfacing of East Church Street, McGill Street, Mohican Avenue, North Walnut Street, and Westwood Avenue in the City of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: June 20th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to execute a Deed of Easement that grants an easement to the Salvation Army, a New York Corporation, over and on the right of way owned by the City of Orrville.

Passed: June 6th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to execute a quit-claim deed that conveys to John D. Chiofalo and Beth M. Chiofalo certain real estate which is no longer needed by the municipality for public highways, streets, avenues, sidewalks, public grounds, bridges, aqueducts, and viaducts, or needed in connection with any such purposes.

Passed: June 6th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities of the City of Orrville to execute a Power Sales Contract with American Municipal Power Inc. and taking other actions in connection therewith regarding participation in the AMP Fremont Energy Center.

Passed: June 6th, 2011

A resolution to accept the recommendations of the Wayne County Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville.

Passed: May 16th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to sign an agreement and/or agreements on behalf of the City of Orrville for the purchase of salt from the Ohio Department of Transportation for the 2011-2012 season.

Passed: May 2nd, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for Engineering Services for the following 2011 OPWC City paving projects:  Resurfacing of Church Street, McGill Street, Mohican Avenue, Walnut Street, and Westwood Avenue, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: May 2nd, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for the installation of a water main on Burton City Road, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 18th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2011 or 2012 4x4 GVWR 19500 cab and chassis truck, or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase with no trade-in.

Passed: April 18th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into an agreement and/or agreements with the State of Ohio Purchasing Cooperative, Department of Administrative Services, to purchase one (1) 2011 or 2012 4x4 GVWR 9400 pickup truck with extended cab, or alternatively to advertise for bids and enter into an agreement and/or agreements for said purchase to include an offset to the cost of said vehicle via the trade-in of a 1992 Ford F-350 pickup truck.

Passed: April 18th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract to provide for tax abatement for real and personal property for Bekaert Corporation, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 18th, 2011

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2011, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: April 4th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts for engineering services for the construction of a new loop road from North Mill Street to North Main Street, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 21st, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts for professional planning services for the City of Orrville Comprehensive Plan update.

Passed: March 21st, 2011

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2011, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 21st, 2011

An ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of $1,400,000 notes, anticipation of the issuance of bonds, for the purpose of paying costs of improving the municipal water system by the acquisition and construction of improvements to that system including, but not limited to, the development of a new well field, extending raw water mains to that well field, constructing a building and a booster station in connection therewith and improving the site thereof, upgrading the control system at the water plant, increasing the capacity of and otherwise improving and upgrading existing raw water mains, installing additional pumping capacity and water mains, upgrading existing water mains, and otherwise improving that system, together with all necessary appurtenances thereto, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: March 7th, 2011

An ordinance approving the editing and inclusion of certain ordinances as parts of the various component codes of the Codified Ordinances of Orrville, Ohio, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 7th, 2011

An ordinance appointing members of the Charter Review Commission, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 7th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities to contract, without bidding, for the removal and abatement of materials containing asbestos from the former Rosemount buildings located at 1201 North Main Street, Orrville, OH, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 7th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Director of Safety and Service to enter into a contract and/or contracts with GIR Holdings LLC, and the Will-Burt Company ("Will-Burt") permitting Will-Burt to assume the rights, benefits, duties, and obligations of Round Top Window Products, Inc., under the Enterprise Zone Agreement dated December 26, 2006, between the City of Orrville, GIR Holdings LLC, and Round Top Window Products, Inc., and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 7th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a contract and/or contracts to provide for a Job Creation Income Tax Credit for the Will-Burt Company and its subsidiaries, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: February 7th, 2011

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities to contract, without bidding, for the replacement of Electric Distribution Truck #39 with a truck which meets the specifications of the City of Orrville.

Passed: February 7th, 2011

A resolution endorsing the Ohio General Assembly to renew the Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit.

Passed: February 7th, 2011

An ordinance amending Chapter 1109 of the Orrville Zoning Code and adding legislation regarding sandwich board signs.
Failed; see Ord. E-11

Passed: January 1st, 2011

A resolution approving the Budget for the City of Orrville, Ohio, for the calendar y ear 2012, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: January 1st, 2011


A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for the overhaul of Turbine-Generator No. 11 at the power plant, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 20th, 2010

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to execute a deed of easement that grants an easement to the Salvation Army over and on right-of-way owned by the City of Orrville.

Passed: December 20th, 2010

A resolution authorizing the Safety-Service Director to execute a deed of easement that grants an easement to the Salvation Army over and on right-of-way owned by the City of Orrville.

Passed: December 20th, 2010

A resolution designating public depositories and awarding public monies, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 20th, 2010

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2011, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 20th, 2010

A resolution to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the City of Orrville, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: December 6th, 2010

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into a contract and/or contracts, without bidding, for ash disposal for the power plant for a one year period.

Passed: December 6th, 2010

An ordinance accepting and confirming dedication of a portion of West High Street in the City of Orrville, Wayne County, Ohio, to the public use forever, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 15th, 2010

A resolution to accept recommendations of the Orrville Tax Incentive Review Council regarding tax abatements for companies located in the City of Orrville.

Passed: November 15th, 2010

A resolution authorizing the Director of Utilities to enter into an agreement and/or agreements as may be required to receive funds from the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement Program, and declaring an emergency.

Passed: November 15th, 2010

A resolution authorizing the Public Utilities Board of Control to enter into contracts, without bidding, each for no more than a one year period, for various services and supplies required by the Department of Public Utilities, Orrville, Ohio.

Passed: November 15th, 2010