Planning Commission

The Planning Commission consists of five members appointed by the Mayor, as well as the Mayor and the Safety-Service Director. The Planning Commission has the authority to review commercial or industrial construction, all new development, including the addition of streets, parks, public ground, and utilities, and all conditional zoning certificates. The Commission also reviews all requests for alley or street vacations, lot replatting, and zoning amendments.  

Agenda Packet

Meeting Dates/Deadlines 2024

Upcoming Planning Commission meetings: 
      Thursday, Dec. 19, 2024

Meeting Time: 3rd Thursday of each month at 3:00 pm
Application Deadline:  3:00 pm, 1 week prior to meeting date; Conditional applications 3 weeks prior to meeting date

Planning Commission Members

Robert Snyder (Chairman)
429 Emeril Court
Ph: 330-683-4836
Term expires 4-30-25

Norman Hibinger
420 Coventry Court
Ph: 330-400-6291
Term expires 4-30-26

Jim Davis (Secretary)
1239 Dogwood Drive
Ph: 330-988-2479
Term expires 4-30-27

Beth Landers
780 Apple Blossom Ln
Ph: 330-347-1942
Term expires 4-30-28

Ned Hostetler (Vice-Chairman)
1502 Rex Drive
Ph: 330-682-7876
Term expires 4-30-29

Term: 5 years, appointed by Mayor

Matt Plybon, Mayor
Steve Wheeler, Safety-Service Director

April Aspiras, 330-684-5004

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