

Bidders are required to send an email to with the subject line: “WAY Heartland Trail Phase 3A” to request an electronic copy of the Bid Documents.

BIDS CLOSE February 21, 2025, at noon.     WAY Heartland Trail Phase 3A - for the City of Orrville 


Sealed bids for the WAY Heartland Trail Phase 3A for the City of Orrville, Ohio will be received by the Safety-Service Director of the City of Orrville, in City Hall at 207 North Main Street, Orrville, Ohio 44667 until 12:00 noon, local time, February 21, 2025 and at that time and place will be publicly opened and read.

The work for which BIDS are invited consist of furnishing of all materials and labor for land clearing, grading, full-depth asphalt construction, concrete culverts, at-grade railroad crossing, sign installation, and traffic paint pavement markings for a new multi-use path in the City of Orrville.

The base bid estimated construction cost of this project is $1,314,180.81.

Copies of contract documents, plans, and specifications may be obtained from the office of the Safety-Service Director at no cost. Bidders are required to send an email to with the subject line: “WAY Heartland Trail Phase 3A” to request an electronic copy of the Bid Documents.

Each proposal must contain the full name of the party or parties submitting the proposal and all persons interested therein.  Each bidder must submit evidence of its experiences on projects of similar size and complexity.

Each bidder is required to furnish with its proposal, a Bid Guaranty and Contract Bond in accordance with Section 153.54 of the Ohio Revised Code.  Bid security furnished in bond form, shall be issued by a Surety Company or Corporation licensed in the State of Ohio to provide said surety.

Attention of bidders is called to all requirements contained in the bid packet, particularly to the Federal Labor Standards Provisions and Davis-Bacon Wages, ODOT requirements, various equal opportunity provisions and Special provisions, and time-sensitive activities.  Each bidder must have the following ODOT pre-qualifications:

  • Roadway Excavation and Embankment Construction
  • Flexible Paving
  • Drainage

Pre-qualifications must be current, and Bidders must present their Certificates of Qualifications at the time of the bid opening.

The right is reserved by the Safety-Service Director of the City of Orrville, Ohio to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities or to accept any bid which is deemed most favorable to the City.

By the order of the Safety-Service Director, City of Orrville, Ohio

Steven M. Wheeler, Safety-Service Director
City of Orrville, Ohio

Advertised:  January 30th, 2025 (Website Advertisement)
                    January 30th, 2025 and February 6th and 13th, 2025 (Newspaper Advertisement)    



WAY-Heartland Trail, Phase 3A Construction Inspection Services

Request for LOIs

Project Description

The services include Construction Inspection and Construction Administration services for the Heartland Trail, Phase 3A in the City of Orrville, Wayne County.  The project includes the construction of a new 1.72-mile long shared used path from Allen Avenue in the City of Orrville to the existing shared use path at Forrer Road.

The field surveys, environmental studies, and final construction plans have been prepared by Shaffer, Johnston, Lichtenwalter & Associates, Inc. The bidding activities will not be the responsibility of the firm doing engineering/construction management but are ongoing and being conducted by the City of Orrville.

Selection Procedures:

The City of Orrville will directly select a consultant based on the Letter of Interest (LOI).  The requirements for the Letter of Interest and the Programmatic Consultant Selection Rating Form that will be used to select the consultant are shown below. 

Firms interested in being considered for selection should respond by submitting four (4) hard copies of the Letter of Interest, or an electronic submittal to the email, to the following address by 4:00 pm on March 3rd, 2025:

The City of Orrville
Attention: Abbie Wilson, P.E.
207 North Main Street
Orrville, Ohio 44667

Responses received after 4:00 pm on the due date will not be considered.

Scope of Services:

The detailed scope of services and full selection criteria are provided through ODOT at


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